He CLIMATERIO It is a natural stage of the life of women, which entails a series of important changes both at the metabolic and hormonal level, which needs special attention in terms of food and lifestyle to take it from a … healthy way. To face this period with energy and good health, will make us cope with this stage with less discomfort and for this it is essential to ensure the consumption of certain nutrients that can be affected during menopause, hence we must be more attentive to these needs.
Calcium and vitamin D, associated with bone health
Due to the decrease in estrogen in menopause, the loss of bone density can be accelerated, thus increasing the risk of osteoporosis. To maintain strong and healthy bones, the consumption of Calcium and vitamin D.
He calcium It is a mineral that is not only present in dairy products, but we can also find it in the sardines, nuts such as almonds, tofu and vegetables such as broccoli. In addition, the seeds are also rich in calcium, but to be able to take advantage of all the nutrients inside it, it is necessary to consume them crushed, and not only will you get a good dose of calcium but also of folic acid.
In addition, the Vitamin d It is necessary for calcium absorption. Mainly we can simply obtain it through sun exposure, but remember that it must be without protection and at least 15 minutes. Some food also contains vitamin D, such as blue fish, eggs and mushrooms.
Quality proteins for muscle maintenance

As we turn years, muscle mass tends to reduce. Therefore, adequate protein consumption helps us preserve the strength, mobility and health of our bones, so it is advisable to introduce proteins throughout the day, through lean meats (chicken, turkey and rabbit), eggs, dairy products, seed legumes and nuts.
Omega-3 to take care of cardiovascular health
During and after menopause, women increase the risk of more cardiovascular diseases, so an increase in the consumption of rich foods in Omega 3 can play a protective role and we can find them in avocado, chia and linen, blue fish and nuts.
Phytoestrogens: yes or no according to studies?
The phytostrogen They are plant substances that mimic the action of Estrogens In our body, reliefing some symptoms of menopause such as hot flashes and humor changes. But are they really effective?
According to various studies, phytostrogen They can be beneficial for some women, although their effect is not the same in all. Some investigations have shown that suffocations can be reduced and improving bone health, while other studies suggest that their impact is more limited than we thought.

Some sources of phytoestrogens are:
– Soy and its derivatives (Tofu, Tempeh, soy milk).
– Legumes such as chickpeas and lentils.
– Linen and sesame seeds.
Fiber for the health of our microbiota and weight control
Due to hormonal changes the health of our Microbiota It can also be affected, causing constipation and a slower metabolism. For that, the fiber It is key to maintaining good intestinal health and avoiding weight gain.
We can find it mainly in legumes, whole grains, seeds, nuts, fruits and vegetables.
Antioxidant substances to combat cell aging

Free radicals are guilty of accelerating cell aging. To neutralize its effect, Antioxidants They are their best combatants, we can find them in rich substances in Vitamin c (In citrus, red pepper, kiwi, strawberries), vitamin E (in nuts, seeds extra virgin olive oil) and polyphenols (present in cocoa the red fruits and green tea).
Good hydration
During menopause it is experienced dryness of the skin and mucous membranes, so hydration is essential to maintain healthy skin. Trying to consume at least 1.5 to 2 liters of water per day, include infusions and broths in our day to day and avoid the consumption of sugary drinks and alcohol is essential to avoid the dry skin of the characteristic skin of this stage.
In short, a balanced diet adapted to each woman and its characteristics and rich in these nutrients helps to live menopause with better quality of life. Adapting the diet to the new needs of the body is essential to maintain good bone, muscular, cardiovascular and emotional health. Small changes in the choice of food can be a great ally at this stage of life.
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