The opposition parties are not the only ones that show disagreement with the agreed pact between PSOE and Junts for the distribution of the more than 4,400 migrant minors overcrowded between the Canary Islands and Ceuta. The decree law that entered into … Vigor yesterday was also criticized by the president of the Government of Castilla-La Mancha, Emiliano García-Page; By the Government delegate in the Balearic Islands, who changed his mind after the announcement of the agreement, and the Socialist City Council of Fuenlabrada.
García-Page said yesterday that his government “is studying” the Royal Decree Law that will regulate the mandatory distribution of immigrant minors and considered “insulting that we woke up one day with an approved law without having spoken absolutely anything with the autonomous communities.” He also wanted to make it clear that «he will not admit solidarity lessons nor of those who agree with Vox or those who agree with the extreme independence right and with an identity supremacist such as Puigdemont ». Page added that “it is obvious that the Government has no immigration policy” and that, in all this strategy, “everything is patches on the march.” He remembered that a few weeks ago the government of Castilla-La Mancha «also suffered from behind the attempt to make a style camp Meloni at Ciudad Real airport».
Despite this, the socialist baron stressed that in Castilla-La Mancha they want «Be solidaritywe have even expressed to the Government of the Canary Islands on a recent visit we are willing to be bilaterally and put our places available available to the Canary Islands, “explained Page, which added” we will be supportive, but not dumb. “
In the Balearic Islands they went from the claim to conformism. Last month, the Government delegate in autonomy, Alfonso Rodríguez, claimed that the archipelago was a community of distribution of migrant minors and not reception to the important migratory flow that the islands have suffered, especially in 2024 when it increased by 160%. But, after the agreement between PSOE and Junts, the Socialist Balearic applauded this migratory pact that, according to the first calculations, plans to send 58 unaccompanied foreign minors coming from the Canary Islands. Rodríguez had also defended that the modification of article 35 of the Foreigners Law would relieve the burden of the Balearic Islands. He said it would serve for other regions to help her in the reception of unaccompanied minors who arrive in Pateras from Algeria, recognizing that “the reception volume already begins to be very important.”
At the moment Balearic Islands could be one of those communities that received the help from the rest of the Spanish communities for the reception of minors, unlike receiving more minors, he said. However, it now focuses on the “solidarity” of the distribution of the central government and loads the inks against the PP to demand “country sense”, despite the fact that the initial estimate the Government of Pedro Sánchez seems to have not taken into account the saturation suffered by the Balearic Islands, nor to have attended the Grito of the Government of Marga Prohens.
In the Madrid town of Fuenlabrada, the socialist mayor Javier Ayala does not see with good eyes the cast that would cause the reception of more than 700 immigrant minors in Madrid; Not for government criteria, but because its town I would receive much of the Menas. The Madrid president confirmed that, if the transfer becomes effective, they would probably be referred to the Cantueña reception center in Fuenlabrada, opened in September 2024, because it is the one that gathered the best conditions in front of those of Hortaleza and Casa de Campo, the other two centers in Madrid. Ayala declared that “the Ayuso Government intends that all unaccompanied minors arriving in the region go to the center of the Cantueña, in the middle of nowhere, without talking to the municipalities, without objective, homogeneous and solidarity criteria, and regardless of that this center is not suitable to welcome these people.” Denounced that everything is done «for getting political profitability from anything».
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