07/23/2024 – 21:23
On the 17th, President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva signed into law a law that allows mothers and fathers to extend the deadlines to complete their undergraduate and graduate courses in the event of childbirth, birth of children, adoption or adoption authorized by court order. The new law came into effect on the day of publication.
According to law 14.925/2024, educational institutions must ensure that parents have their educational support guaranteed, as well as make administrative adjustments to extend the deadlines for at least 180 days. In addition, the extension applies to some cases before birth, such as high-risk pregnancies and work in research that implies risk to the pregnant woman or the fetus.
When the mother or child is hospitalized for more than two weeks, the countdown to start the extension period is the discharge of either the baby or the mother, whichever comes last.
If the newborn or adopted child – or even a child or adolescent who has passed into the custody of a father or mother – is a person with a disability, the extension period may be longer, at least 360 days.
For parents or guardians of a child or adolescent who are undergoing hospitalization of a child for a period of more than 30 days, the law allows an extension that must be at least the same period of hospitalization.
Furthermore, the law provides for another situation that allows the extension of scholarships: unforeseeable circumstances or force majeure. To obtain the benefit, the student will need to prove the need for the extension and the funding institution will have to carry out a technical analysis in accordance with its regulations.
The law sanctioned without vetoes originated in Bill 1741/2022, by deputy Talíria Petrone (PSOL-RJ) and was approved by the Chamber of Deputies and the Federal Senate.
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