A survey of a representative sample of the Spanish population made up of 885 people carried out by the Organization of Consumers and Users (OCU) reflects the growing importance of aspects related to sustainability in the purchase of fruits and vegetables.
Asked about the two aspects that they consider most important when buying fruits and vegetables, those surveyed highlighted that they are seasonal products (as indicated by 55% of those surveyed), a factor that favors natural agricultural production as it limits the need to use forced irrigation and air conditioning systems.
Definitely the price It continues to be another determining factor in the purchasing decisions of many consumers (53%), more usually among households with fewer resources.
The third outstanding factor that also favors sustainability is the origin of fruits and vegetables, among the two most important for 41% of those surveyed. In fact, the vast majority of consumers consider that fruit and vegetables of national origin are of better quality (only 11% think the opposite), although also more expensive. What’s more, they point out that prioritizing their purchase helps the country’s agriculture. In this sense, OCU remembers that this purchasing decision reduces the impact of transportation on the environment, while ensuring greater control over the fertilizers used.
Where do we prefer to buy?
Another factor that favors sustainability is the limited weight of the exterior appearance of fruits and vegetables when making the purchase (only 21% of those surveyed indicated it as the most important). A circumstance that helps reduce food waste, or in other words, the removal of perfectly edible food, but with an unattractive color or shape.
The survey also reveals the types of establishments most commonly visited to buy fruit and vegetables. The usual thing is to combine different businesses, highlighting visits to supermarkets (62% of those surveyed), but followed very closely by the greengrocers (58%). Other establishments mentioned are the hypermarket (22%), the market (17%), the flea market (16%) and direct purchases from the producer (4%), another form of purchasing, the latter promoting sustainability.
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