Natural disasters | Strong earthquake in Turkey – at least five people dead

The magnitude of the earthquake was reported as 7.8 and it collapsed several buildings in both Turkey and Syria.

in southeastern Turkey a strong earthquake has occurred, the news agencies AFP, Reuters and AP say.

The magnitude of the earthquake was measured at 7.8 and it collapsed several buildings in both Turkey and Syria. According to initial information, at least five people died, but the number of victims is feared to rise.

The governor of Turkey’s Osmaniye province said that there are at least 34 collapsed buildings in the area. Buildings also collapsed in Diyarbakır and Şanlıurfa provinces.

Broadcasting company the BBC according to the reporter, a shopping mall in Diyarbakır collapsed in the earthquake.

The center of the earthquake was located approximately 33 kilometers from the city of Gaziantep, and its depth was measured to be slightly less than 18 kilometers. The earthquake struck on Monday a little after four o’clock in the early morning.

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