Myhixel It is a ‘startup’ that sells products to solve male sexual problems. The firm Specialized in solutions for early ejaculation And, in fact, he has managed to multiply by three the duration in the bed of more than 40,000 men.
However, The road has not been easy for this emerging company. Its founder, Patricia López, recalls in a salmon podcast that No bank or investor wanted to support your project. The 300,000 euros I needed to launch the first product had to gather them between friends and family.
To overcome this obstacle, the firm has taken hold of ‘Kickstarter’, a kind of collection in which the interested parties can buy the item before it comes to the market.
It all started because López was working on a multinational erotic toys. The bulb was lit and thought about guiding those health products rather than pleasure. The company did not want to support its project, so it decided to do so.
Found a sexological institute that had developed An eight -week therapy To end the pathology. However, they had the handicap that there was no product in the market in which to support their theory. Together, they developed a masturbator that, as man manages to improve his marks, evolves and adapts characteristics more similar to those of a vagina.
Internationalization, not only with its regulatory but also cultural differences, or the launch of new products (now they want to put a pulse to viagra) are some of the points that are addressed in this new chapter.
A salmon podcast can be heard both the ABC website of Seville and on the main audio platforms (Spotify, Podimo, Apple Podcast, Amazon and Ivoox).
From the company without bosses to the creator of Gazpachos
A salmon podcast It is the sound commitment to bring the business activity of ABC in Seville. This is the fifth installment: they have already gone through our microphones The creator of Gazpachos Luis García Millán or Blanca Hernández, the businesswoman who is committed to impact investment to eradicate withouthogarism.
We have also told the story of a company that now does not have bosses or Whistlethe firm that started selling 30 American at the grandmother’s house.
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