The protagonist, without a name, of the prodigious and surprising first novel, ‘My husband’, of the French writer Maud Ventura (Paris, 1992), who has received the most enthusiastic praise, crossing the Atlantic and appearing in the columns of Oprah Winfrey in the US, is a woman … burningly in love with her husband, fifteen years after having marriedwith which he has two young children.
English teacher at an institute, Everything seems to smile in life: satisfactory works, a placid and apparent conjugal happiness, a good house in a good neighborhood and adequate social relations, as well as relaxed weekends playing tennis with a couple of friends.
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But this woman in quarantine all this is not enough: lObsessive and devouring passion Towards the one who chose a day as a husband has not calmed over the years, but has increased neurotically and has become exclusive with respect to the rest of the things of life, which seem to exist only as pale insignificant nebulae.
When observing unequivocal signs of a languishing love, as with many others (distracted and fast kisses, little interest in her body that she wants perfectly and carefully and manually carefully carefully to be desirable) she has decided to take measures for a long time.
It will never allow it. So he decides to monitor him carefully, put traps to prevent any possible infidelitythoroughly analyze its mute gesture and, above all, to get manifestically targeted in several notebooks, day by day, from Monday to Sunday, as if it were a ‘detective and disturbing thriller, more and more disturbing and hysterized, as in a story by Patricia Highsmith, the evolution of that fire of love that, paranoically, she always believes.
Uncomfortly embodies for the current visions of women’s liberation a kind of ancestral anti-methoo
The narration of Maud Ventura of a paranoia of love taken to the limit, moves at every step, with a master hand, handling that suffocating fixation, with Frapid rare and a frantic evolution of day to day. The reader ranges between the restless and the excess of that marital idolatry and the laughter always about to jump. Although everything is absurd and exaggerated, bad and pathological, the woman’s controller, a good student of her own neurosis, has also analyzed the microscope and knows the tactics that you have to undertake “not to pass”: “In the end I will end up learning some lesson: leave my husband a lot of space, be distant to cultivate the mystery, put it jealous, not to sincere myself with my feelings not to suffocate it. An excess of emotionality and sentimentality, and above all, not neglect me physically. The slogans are: being cold, inaccessible, distant ».
Citing frequently ‘The lover’ by Marguerite Duras And a key phrase (“I have never done anything but wait in front of the closed door”) the protagonist of ‘My husband’ incomedly embodies for the current visions of women’s liberation a kind of ancestral anti-methooo: “I watch television for a while. Taking a yogurt, driving or putting a perfume, all women are waiting for a man. They seem active and busy, but They are actually walking in circles. I wonder if I am the only one that has been set in that universal waiting room ».
#husband #Maud #Ventura #paranoia #love