Sticks, buckets, mud, bottles… the desperation of those affected forces the official visit to be interrupted
Shouting “Sánchez resignation”, the Kings have arrived at the town of Paiporta when they have begun to be booed by the neighbors shouting “murderers”, “murderers”. And from the boos to the mud, the stones and the buckets. The neighbors, desperate in the face of the suffering of these days, have thrown everything they could reach at them. Pedro Sánchez was the first to disappear as soon as he was attacked with a large stick.
The Kings have continued to advance alongside Mazón, with tears in their eyes, and trying to talk to all the neighbors they could, but they have not been allowed to enter Paiporta. They have stayed at the gates of the town while they calmed the neighbors. At the moment when Sánchez was hit in the head, the King threw buckets at him. The visit has been suspended due to the annoying mob that has thrown mud, buckets and sticks
News in expansion.
#Murderers #murderers #King #calms #residents #Paiporta #Sánchez #leaves #procession