More than 500 people have concentrated this Friday from 9 am to the Orsola house in Barcelona to protest the eviction of a neighbor, planned at 10.30 am, shouted by ‘Casa Orsola, you are not alone’.
Josep, the affected neighbor, ended the rental contract in 2021, But he has continued paying monthly payment, to “press” the investments to negotiate and, after 2 years of judicial procedures, the Barcelona hearing has ratified the eviction sentence and the judge has set the date for January 31.
For this reason, the Unionat de Llogateres of Catalonia has convened this Friday a concentration before the Modernist Building and this Thursday afternoon they organized a marathon of neighborhood events with performances musicals, gatherings, cacerolada and popular dinner To reject eviction.
In addition, about 100 people have slept between the building and a white tent located on Consell de Cent street with Calàbria.
Llogateres Sindicat
For her part, the Syndicat spokeswoman, Carme Arcarazo, has assured that Josep is “absolutely convinced of what she is doing, fighting for the right to housing«, And has argued that each eviction is going to be a battlefield, in his words.
“The culprit is Albert Ollé and Lions Inversiones (which bought the farm), but governments are responsible, because if this happens it is because we have a legal framework tailored to speculators,” he said.
“The game is trick in favor of the speculative minority,” he criticized, and has remarked that they have been fighting for 3 years to do collective bargaining, which has not been done.
“Everyone is next to Josep, a mathematics teacher who has been paying for rent and wants to throw it just to triple the rent,” added Arcarazo.
He has assured that they are still open to negotiate: “Today if they want we would gather us collectively.”
In addition, he has lamented that the Barcelona City Council, a few days before the day of eviction, “have made calls to see what they want to negotiate.” “It is shameful that at the last moment they show that they do something,” Arcarazo criticized.
Orsola house is a “symbol”
He has described Orsola Casa as a “symbol”, and stressed that tenants will plant expensive and –textually-that today they will not be able to evict.
He has urged the Government to regulate rentals, to make stable contracts to “recover the offer that has been kidnapped” and to prohibit speculative purchases.
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