The difference that exists in Spain between the real and legal retirement age has historically been one of the problems of our pension system since it reduces workers’ contributions over time. It was therefore logical that in the reform promoted by José Luis Escrivá in 2021, measures were introduced to limit the cost caused by premature departures, which amounts to more than 1.1 billion annually. Among them, extending the legal retirement age, incentives to extend working life and coefficients that penalized early retirement more harshly.
The effects of these measures have caused the real retirement age to increase to 65.2 years. But assuming the challenge that it represents for the coffers of Social Security to assume The progressive retirement of the baby boom generation requires promoting new initiatives that go in the same direction. Thus, in the last Council of Ministers of last year, the active retirement reform was approved, which seeks to improve the compatibility of salary and pension collection.
One of the great novelties of the pact reached between the Government and the social agents is the end of the requirement to have a complete contribution career (38 years) to access active retirement. Thus, employees and the self-employed will be able to access this modality with only 15 years of contributions, the minimum required to receive a contributory pension. This greater flexibility especially benefits the access of women, who have generally less extensive careers than men. But it also softens the exit from the labor market by encouraging delayed retirement, which is positive with the objective of delaying retirement.
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