Leslie Urteaga, current Minister of Culture, met on the afternoon of this Tuesday, March 12, with Christian and Jimmy Yaipén, members of the well-known Group 5. This meeting with said institution was held in order to discuss the various actions and measures that developed for the benefit of workers in the field of culture in its different expressions. Likewise, interest was shown in making music more accessible and inclusive, in what way?
Why did Group 5 and the Minister of Culture meet?
At the meeting between the head of Culture and the members of Group 5, the promotion of music and the measures that are being implemented for the benefit of workers in the cultural sector were addressed. The minister highlighted a particular initiative that has been carried out since Grand National Theater: the development of inclusive concerts. These events feature the implementation of vibrating vests, which allow people with hearing disabilities to experience and enjoy music.
Minister Leslie Urteaga spoke with Christian Yaipén. Photo: Ministry of Culture
“We want to make music accessible and, therefore, we invite you to look at the possibility of holding this type of concerts, as Daniela Darcourt did recently, who enjoyed this experience with the deaf community and with Peruvian Sign Language interpreters,” Urteaga said on the subject.