Minister Guido Crosetto required emergency hospitalization for suspected pericarditis. The politician felt ill and went to the emergency room for chest pain
He went to the emergency room for chest pain on Monday morning. And the doctors decided to keep him for further clinical investigations. The Minister Guido Crosetto was admitted to emergency hospital. It is suspected that he may have one pericarditis, an inflammation of the heart. The tests conducted in these hours will clarify what the Minister of Justice is suffering from.
The Minister of Defense, Guido Crosetto, decided to go to the emergency room, since he had a strange pain in his chest all Monday morning. The man went to hospital alone and on foot, to the first aid department ofSan Carlo di Nancy hospital in Rome.
The doctors who examined him immediately decided to keep him for further clinical investigations. They kept him under constant monitoring and even performed an coronary angiography. Nothing has emerged yet, but the most popular hypothesis is that of pericarditis.
What happened to the politician of the Meloni government was revealed directly by the Ministry of Defense with a note released to the media:
Following persistent pain since Monday morning, Minister Crosetto showed up (alone and on foot) at the emergency room of the San Carlo di Nancy in Rome, with severe chest pain. He is immediately monitored and then undergoes a coronary angiography. There is no information on the causes but hospital sources say it could be pericarditis.”

What is pericarditis, the disease that is hypothesized to have the minister Guido Crosetto hospitalized in Rome
There Pericarditis is an inflammation of the pericardium, the membrane that lines the heart and from which the large vessels originate. When the pericardial sheets, which make up the pericardium, are inflamed, an effusion can occur. If this is abundant, cardiac tamponade can occur, with the lack of filling of the cardiac cavities. In these cases it is necessary to intervene to drain the excess fluid.

In some cases, pericarditis can cause a thickening and stiffening of the pericardium, which does not guarantee the correct expansion of the heart. The causes may be infectious (viruses, bacteria, fungi and other pathogens) and non-infectious (tumors, advanced renal failure, autoimmune diseases, drugs such as antibiotics and antineoplastics, radiation treatments, trauma or injury. Chest pain is the most important symptom.
Source: Humanitas
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