The strategy of Carlos Mazón’s PP in the Investigation Commission on DANA in the Corts Valencianes that starts next Monday is already beginning to be seen. The conservatives, the main force in Parliament and those who managed the floods in the Government, will give the presidency of the commission to Vox, the party that cut the Valencian Emergency Unit or stopped flood technology contracts when it was part of the Executive. The future president of the PP-Vox alliance will be Miriam Turiel if she obtains the absolute majority that the right already has in the vote. The PP has not presented a candidate for the presidency and has limited itself to running for the vice presidency, which is why the pre-agreement between both parties is evident.
With the bombastic name of Investigation Commission on the causes of the floods and consequences of the management of the cold drop in the province of Valencia, in territorial, security, urban and water matters and possible actions to reduce the social and economic vulnerability of this territorythe parties of the Corts will meet this Monday to constitute it with the election of the presidency, the vice-presidency and the secretariat. PP has 5 votes, Vox 2, PSPV 4 and Compromís 2, so the vote for the presidency will come from the majority of the right. For its part, in the second vote, the person with the most votes will be vice president and the second most voted person will occupy the secretary. It is expected that the vice presidency will go to the PP, surely to the deputy Vicente Betoret, and the secretariat to the left, in case PSPV and Compromís vote for the same person.
The presidency of the Research Commission is key to moderating debates, setting times or persecuting speakers who refuse to attend. A figure that will mark the line of investigations to follow. Although Vox has openly criticized Mazón, when push comes to shove it has always supported the president of the Generalitat in the debates that have taken place about DANA. Furthermore, the biggest cuts in Emergencies occurred when the powers were held by the extreme right, in the hands of former councilor Elisa Núñez who, months after leaving the Government, left the extreme right party. Of course, always with Mazón’s applause.
Diana Morant regrets that the commission is going into the hands of “the deniers”
The general secretary of the PSPV-PSOE, Diana Morant, Diana Morant denounces that PP and Vox “have divided up the DANA investigation commission in a new Napkin Pact” and warns of the “price that Valencians will have to pay in loss of rights.” Diana Morant wonders “what has now been the bargaining chip for Mazón to cede the presidency of the commission to the deniers,” after the first Napkin Pact was “in exchange for women’s rights and their protection.” against sexist violence, and Emergencies.”
Morant shows his “concern” about this agreement that hands the leadership of the commission to the deniers of science and climate change and defends that those affected by DANA demand a “real” investigation in the Cortes that does not end up being a “commission fake” like the one made by the PP after the Valencia metro accident.
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