Mario Cuenca Sandoval (Sabadell, 1975) is a poet and narrator. His latest novel, Aurora Q. (Galaxia Gutenberg) reconstructs the media-covered story of the murder committed by two wild children in Spain in the 1980s, based on the voice of the psychiatrist who treated them.
What has writing taught you about the human mind? Aurora Q.? The ease with which we generate false memories.
What book made you a reader? An anthology of Cortázar’s stories that fell into my hands when I was a teenager.
And as a writer? An anthology of Cortázar’s stories that fell into my hands when I was a teenager.
What book would you have liked to write about someone else? Areaby Geoff Dyer. I wish I had thought of this before.
What does a poet learn by writing a novel? And vice versa? (1) To handle large structures and heavy materials. (2) To stretch language to its limits.
What is the best review you have ever received? One by Andrés Ibáñez, in which I compared myself to the best, and not just the best here in Spain.
And the most extravagant? When I published LUXI received many extravagant reviews, which I suspect were more motivated by ideological than literary reasons. For example, someone said that my book was “a black legend creation.”
What was the last book you liked? My father’s examby Jorge Volpi.
The one you have open right now on your nightstand? Maniacby Benjamin Labatut.
What movie have you seen the most times? It is probably Vertigoby Alfred Hitchcock.
The last series you watched in one go? Exterior night.
If you had to use a song or a piece of music as a self-portrait, what would it be? Letter from homefrom the Pat Metheny Group.
The one that plays on loop in your head? He walking from Schubert’s Piano Trio No. 2.
Which museum would you like to live in? In El Prado, of course.
What historical event do you admire most? The birth of democracy in Athens.
What assignment would you never accept? Anyone for propaganda purposes.
What is socially overrated? The influencers.
Who would you give the next Cervantes Prize to? To Enrique Vila-Matas.
If he weren’t a writer, he would have liked to be… Film director.
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