Tense calm in the capital of Spain before the important flood of Manzanares, which is at very high levels from this Wednesday night and 0.00 in the morning from Thursday to Friday it reached its maximum flow. Although so far there have been no importance of importance, the increase in the level by passing through key points of mobility in Madrid has made caution measures.
The flow of the capital of the capital exceeded last night the 56 cubic meters per second at the height of the bridge of King San Fernando, twenty times more of the water that the Manzanares usually carry at this point, according to data from the Hydrographic Confederation of the Tagus. At 11.00 in the morning of this Friday, he dropped red level at the orange level thanks to the brake of the rains and the lower level of unloading of his swamps in the Sierra (Santillana and El Pardo).
The highlights in the early hour was the cut-already resolved-in the link of the M-30 and the M-40, west of the capital, which passes over one of the Manzanares bridges in the part where it is not channeled, where the greatest dangers of overflow are concentrated. The City Council decided to interrupt the circulation there last night “by caution.” At 8.15, this step would reopen traffic.
Another of the points marked in red by the Consistory is the passage of the A-6 above the river, which was also about to be cut last night and that the City Council can interrupt in the next few hours if the Manzanares flow increases considerably again, has warned the mayor, José Luis Martínez-Almeida. In that case, the deviations would be made on the Castilla road.
Regarding the rest of the roads in the Community of Madrid, at 10.30 he remained cut several points of the M-611 (Rascafría), M-215 (Ambite) and M-622 (Guadarrama) for water accumulations.

Given the risks caused by the latest rains and the unwins in the rivers from the swamps, which are overflowing in the Tagus basin, the Madrid Security and Emergency Agency recommended on Thursday night to restrict displacements.
Due to these warnings since a good part of its campus is located in the vicinity of Manzanares, the Complutense University announced the suspension of classes for all this Friday and recommended its staff the teleworking in the cases in which it was possible. Shortly after the Polytechnic, the Autonomous and King Juan Carlos joined the suspension. The University of Alcalá did this morning and two other private centers, Pontifical Comillas and Ceu San Pablo, they did the same.
The Madrid City Council, meanwhile, maintains nine parks closed since Thursday by the forecast of strong winds and rainfall, including retirement. Having produced falls of large trees, the closure is maintained for the moment indefinitely.
The time forecast indicates that the region now goes to another phase in this cycle of storms: now a period of flashing showers arrives, but that can be of great intensity and storm -shaped, although in a less sustained way than in previous days. The yellow warning in the Sierra for accumulated rains of up to 40 liters per square meter is maintained for all this Friday.
Temperatures will descend throughout the weekend, so the thaws will less and with them the danger of floods although there will be a possibility of snowfall above 900 meters, according to the Aemet prognosis.
Complicated night with 123 incidents
The irruption of a strong storm over the Community of Madrid on Thursday night to Friday, with intense rain and strong electrical apparatus, caused the State Meteorology Agency (Aemet) to extend at that time the yellow warning by strong chaparrons that had only affected the mountains in the early afternoon.
During this period, 112 Community of Madrid reached the emergency service up to 123 incidents related to rain, of which the regional fire department has intervened in 29, especially in municipalities near the Jarama and Henares rivers, where there is also a danger of overflows.
From the early morning the command post is monitoring the situation, which for now remains stable, reports sources from the Community of Madrid.
In Madrid Capital, the Airport neighborhood suffered flooding with the storm, as reflected from the social networks of their neighborhood association. This area of Barajas is within the map of flood areas in Madrid established by the Tajo Hydrographic Confederation.
The Metro service also suffered incidents for the strong storm on Thursday night and had to interrupt trains in line 7 for less than half an hour between the stations of the muses and García noblejas until 10 pm.
#Manzanares #reduces #flow #Madrid #playing #ceiling #midnight #universities #suspend #classes