The flame must stay lit!
Dark Souls Redemption is not the first manga inspired by a successful video game, and it probably won’t be the last either. And so, after Elden Ringanother FromSoftware masterpiece becomes a comic, projecting us (again) into this disturbing world with a new and original story.
After all, the world created by Hidetaki Miyazaki could only be a source of inspiration for many fantasy enthusiasts, as in the case of Julien Blondela screenwriter and key figure in the world of French role-playing games, also known for bringing to life to the comic version of the dark fantasy Elric saga.
And if the screenplay has such an authoritative signature, so do the drawings made by Shonen I’m no different, such a unique style that literally fascinated me. And they say he was self-taught: not bad though!
The series arrives in Italy thanks to J-Pop Manga and Edizioni BD, in a truly brilliant format and of unquestionable quality. After reading the first volume, I can tell you that what you will “experience” will bring to mind some of the sensations you felt with the video game… only in the comic version. The story is particularly interesting, full of mystery and dark mysteries that will take your breath away. The first volume is already available on the official J-Pop website.
The flame is lit! An unnamed woman wakes up inside a crypt, but she has no memory of her past and, to be honest, she’s even a little scared. And when a monster made of skulls is about to end her existence, that’s it an imposing figure he will hold out his hand to her and safeguard her from innumerable dangers, also guarding the secrets of its past. From what they say, this woman could improve the fortunes of the world, but think about the sensation one can feel in being persecuted by the fearsome Scale Guardian Guild.
Yes, I admit, put like that it can all seem quite cryptic. But what can you do, I don’t like giving away spoilers of what is, to all intents and purposes, a dark and intriguing manga. What I can tell you is that, as in the game, this frightened woman will grow with the succession of events that will lead her to find her lost memories of her.
The story of Dark Souls Redemption is well outlined and written as
a continuous discovery of the protagonist, with obvious references to what the video game really is: finding yourself lost in a cryptic, bloody world, darkly colored and populated by terrifying monsters. The woman shows all her frailties and weaknesses and, little by little, some decidedly interesting background stories will be revealed.
It is essentially an immediate read which, apparently, unravels some knots in the first 5 chapters, but leaves some elements to the free interpretation of the reader (or at least I had that feeling). Although it is an original story, which I would recommend without hesitation to any fantasy lover, I believe that fans of the Dark Souls video game saga can better grasp the spirit of the world.
A look at the edition
Dark Souls Redemption comes in a paperback edition with a black dust jacket, in which we see the first boss the protagonist will encounter on display. On the back a synopsis and a title that leaves us with many uncertainties, as it should: “The curse of a son. The fate of a mother.”
Each table was created with meticulous care, faithfully respecting the fantasy spirit of FromSoftware’s work. Sometimes it seems like we are faced with well-made paintings: a style that is difficult to describe in words, but
trust me when I tell you that here you will be able to notice of pure art.
This first volume is then enriched from sketches, real concept art like those found in the most prestigious game collectors (after all, this series is inspired by a video game). Simply put, these detailed drawings made me feel like I was part of the world. Good job!
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