Digital ecosystems, along with Artificial Intelligence (AI) and cybersecurity, are becoming increasingly important and complex as they are the main basis of the operations of organizations and companies, so it is “fundamental to address that complexity” and ” establish digital trust” based on people, as ISACA’s Director of Global Strategy, Chris Dimitriadis, has put on the table.
The professional association focused on helping people and organizations boost digital trust, ISACA, celebrated its 55th anniversary in October, during its annual European conference in Dublin, Ireland, where experts and opinion leaders gathered to discuss issues related to the world of Information Technology (IT).
Within this framework, in an interview with Europa Press, Dimitriadis reviewed some of the most relevant aspects of the current technological landscape, in which AI, digital trust and cybersecurity are key to the development and integration of new technologies, above all, for the companies and organizations that are in the process of adapting to an increasingly digital reality.
“It is about achieving a better understanding of how people interact with technology, with the process, and how the entire technological ecosystem is organized,” he stated, while indicating that it is a concept that works when the digital ecosystem acts “in accordance with the expectations of interested parties.”
Dimitriadis has highlighted the importance of promote this concept by mainly advocating for the peoplewhich has been referred to as one of the main pillars to promote digital trust. That is, although current advances are based on technology, people are still in charge of managing it and making good use of itto establish a high level of digital trust that allows digitalization to be adopted as part of the daily life of organizations and even society.
On the other hand, in addition to the people, the ISACA director has also highlighted the need to understand what AI is and how it is applied in a process, specific application or industry to foster digital trust.
“Normally what is unknown creates more confusion. That is why we insist that no matter how good you are at your professionif you are in cybersecurity, an auditor or even a marketing expertyou have to understand how AI works“, he stated, “Training, training, training. “It’s very, very important for us to understand AI and how to use it.”
Likewise, he has also made reference to the importance of considering ethics and responsibility when using AI to foster digital trustsomething that is included in the AI Law, the European AI Regulation that safeguards the interests and rights of European citizens. Regulation is currently directing the industry “towards a way to create more awareness and more trust requirements to make sure Europe is protected,” he concluded.
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