Lujan Arguelles has returned to Mediaset in a big way, with a program each of the group’s two major networks: “It’s my home, in a way I had never left it, so I really enjoy it because I feel comfortable.” In ‘The weakest rival’ he has fun seeing “how no one wants to be seen as not knowing something and the contestants get nervous at an atomic level. It is a game that puts them to the limit. And she is grateful to the trospids who accept the delusion of ‘Who wants to marry my son’: “They get into the game, they feel free, they don’t hold back. We are not a normative format, we look for originality, to be surprised, to laugh at everything.
It is curious to see her act as master of ceremonies for a ‘dating’ when, as she admits, she herself would need to find a boyfriend: “But I’m not looking for a prince, I want a soul that brings me serenity.” And Luján confesses herself to be a very romantic woman: «But assuming that love and what accompanies it changes over the years. When I was young I looked for butterflies in my stomach. Now I aspire to have someone with me who helps me and calms me down. I used to live in emergency, not anymore, I am more aware that life is better this way. That’s why in love I now look for more peace than revolutions.” And she is in a moment of maturity that leads her to declare herself a “fan of personal growth.” You have to look at yourself, feel yourself, recognize yourself, live without being in automatic mode.
It is possible that this stage of her life began with motherhood. His daughter, Miranda, arrived to change everything: «I had a bad time during pregnancyit was a dark time in which I felt lost. But when giving birth came responsibility and it was the beginning of a journey together. The enthusiasm of adolescence returned. At 30 I was a robot, but being a mother made me reconsider.
If there is one trait of her personality that defines her, it is perseverance: «I love active listening to know what others think and, then, decide to act. Once I have made a decision, I go for it with everything. This explains why, even if you are a dreamer, you are clear that you have to fight for what you want: «Dreams, without perseverance, are not fulfilled and are only whims. A burning desire is worked. But he does not aspire to perfectionism: “I think we have to let go, because if not, it can be a condemnation to make sure that everything is always right. “I’ve already made the decision to see what things I don’t like about myself so I can change them.”
When she is in the role of presenter she is very detailed: «I observe a lot to obtain information». In relationships, too, “although in a different way. I try to be aware of the needs of others because I believe that we must respond to them. At least, with my daughter, I do that a lot.
Although in his beginnings, on the radio, he was a night owl, he has now discovered “the magic of getting up early.” Once again, for motherhood: «In the end I decided to keep up with my daughter. Now, when I get up at six, I appreciate the silence and feel clearer in the head.” This is how you can face each day’s obligations: “I like clear routines so I don’t forget anything. I exercise, I eat healthy, I meditate… I do it because the hustle and bustle can eventually overwhelm you. But I’m not square either, I like to leave room for improvisation, for life to surprise me.
Silence gives Luján peace, “even though it may seem corny. “Before I couldn’t stand loneliness, now I look for it.” That’s why the noise upsets him, although what he really can’t stand is the disloyalty: “I inherited it from my father, who was a butcher and sometimes bought calves without money, only giving his word to close the deal. No one can take your word away from you. Money, health, everything goes away, but your word does not.
Luján Argüelles as a girl
A daughter of the Asturian matriarchy
Little Luján and her sister Sheila were inseparable. They still are. In fact, she was the gynecologist who attended the presenter during her birth. It is no coincidence: «I am heir to the matriarchy. My family is marked by women of character, like my grandmother, my mother, my sister. We have a strong connection between all of us. Of course, my mother was very strict and was determined that I meet her expectations. She was a good girl: «Laughter, enthusiastic, very outward, very sociable». She always accompanied her older sister, with whom she went out partying, so she got used to her friends being a few years older than her.
“At school I was very studious, I had good grades,” she remembers, while taking music classes. Those happy years were spent in an Asturian town, Salas, “where I went out to play in the square, walked to school and felt free.” Every time she returns she recovers that feeling, which she has passed on to her daughter. If he could meet that girl, Luján feels that he would give her some advice: “Be more present, because over time you will lose your innocence and freedom. Let him look around and be happy.
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