Legal proceedings The man was convicted of a murder in Laajasalo, Helsinki – the other man’s charges were dismissed

The district court sentenced the accused to more than ten years in prison.

Helsinki the district court ruled in Laajasalo last October that a 35-year-old man had died.

According to the decision of the district court Jimmy Lagus committed a murder and was sentenced to 10 years and six months in prison for the act. The prosecutor initially sought a conviction for the murder, but the district court ruled the act was a murder.

Two men were suspected of the act, but the other man’s charges were dismissed.

Read more: A 35-year-old man was killed in Helsinki’s Laajasalo last autumn – Now two men are charged with brutal murder

A man who died in Laajasalo, Helsinki, was killed with a blade gun. According to the prosecutor, the act was particularly brutal. The author struck the victim with a knife more than 30 times.

The motives for the act are not apparent from the district court’s decision. Lagus said in court that he has no recollections of the weekend’s events.

The verdict is not final.

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