Labor market The Confederation of Finnish Industry declared a ban on overtime in the technology industry

The union says it has also been preparing for heavier industrial action since the spring: “We are ready.”

Technology industry The government of the Confederation of Finnish Industry, which represents workers, decided on Friday to declare a ban on overtime in the contract industries for the entire technology industry and ore mines, as well as a ban on shifting at the initiative of the employer.

The industrial action will take effect at noon on Saturday, December 4, and will remain in effect until December 19.

The ban on overtime does not apply to emergency work or work that is necessary to protect life and health.

The Confederation of Finnish Industry aims to use the overtime ban to speed up collective bargaining with employers in the technology industry.

In October negotiations have begun interrupted on Tuesday, because the views of the parties, in particular on the level of salary increases and their distribution, were so far apart. The parties ended up suspending the talks in one inch.

There was also controversy over the length of the contract period.

The old contract expired at the end of November, so it is now a non-contractual state without a duty of peace.

“On the employer side the offers meant a significant reduction in purchasing power for employees in the sector, ”the Confederation of Finnish Industry estimates in a press release.

According to the association, the demand for wage increases to strengthen purchasing power is not unreasonable, but in line with what has been agreed in Finnish industry this autumn.

According to the association, a wage solution that strengthens purchasing power is also justified in the light of wage solutions in Finland’s key competitor countries.

Industry Association says he wants to continue negotiations but considers it worthwhile to return to the negotiating table without resorting to industrial action.

“The parties are simply too far apart,” says the chairman of the Confederation of Finnish Industry Riku Aalto in the bulletin.

On Friday, the Confederation of Finnish Industry also reminded the employer of the union’s high degree of organization and strong organizational machinery.

“If necessary, the Confederation of Finnish Industry will take heavier industrial action. The association has been preparing for this moment since the spring, ie the recent solutions of the Technology Industry Association. We are ready, ”the organization said in a statement.

Alliance the government also authorized strike notification for companies that do not comply with the aftermath of a collective agreement.

Subsequent effect means the continuation of the employee’s working conditions in a situation where a new collective agreement has not yet been concluded after the termination of the old agreement.

According to the Confederation of Finnish Industry, the activities of the employer side have caused at least some movement to take advantage of the non-contractual status in individual companies.

The union has become aware of companies where employees have been unilaterally informed about the deterioration of employment conditions since the beginning of December.

“At the moment, however, it seems that, in principle, companies in the sector are following the aftermath,” the press release says.

Technology industry CEO of employers Jarkko Ruohoniemi has instructed companies that have joined the new association to comply from December old contract conditions, if not new.

In principle, Ruohoniemi still believes that there is no so-called after-effect of the old agreement, when the contract is no longer the Technology Industry Association, but a new association.

According to the latest information, the association has so far organized 904 companies with 153,240 employees and white-collar workers.

There are about 1,600 member companies in the Technology Industry Association.

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