The reality show ‘La Casa de los Famosos 2024’ began on Televisa this Sunday, July 21 with the conduction of Galilea Montjowho welcomed the participants, including Arath de la Torre, who revealed that his plan “is to create alliances to make his strategy work.” The emotions are just beginning.
“It has a peculiarity,” said Galilea Montijo when referring to and introducing the influencer Adrián Marcelowho confessed that her first challenge will be not to nominate Mario Bezares, another of the participants, for two weeks. Then, in Mariana Echeverría’s turn, we were able to see that she will be the only one with privileges, since she had the pleasure of choosing the room where she will sleep.
To the actress Sabine Moussier He was tasked with memorizing the code to the refrigerator so that everyone could open and close it inside ‘The House of the Famous’. If he forgets it, all the contestants must solve an equation to obtain it, otherwise, they will be left without food.
The journalist Shanik Berman She entered showing a doll with the figure of her husband, because she said it would help him fall asleep.
TO Mario Bezares was asked to prepare dinner for two peopleAnd if she doesn’t accept, she won’t be able to have her favorite shorts, so she had no choice but to accept.
This is just the beginning. ‘La Casa de los Famosos’ can be seen daily on ViX and on Sunday nights one of the inhabitants will be expelled, hosted by Galilea Montijo.
I studied Communication Sciences at the Autonomous University of Sinaloa. My experience as a journalist dates back to 1988, when I began to collaborate with Grupo Acir, with Fernando Sarabia and Julieta Hernández on an entertainment program. Then I joined Noroeste as a contributor in the entertainment section with Rolando Arenas and stayed for almost five years. Later I joined the newspaper El Sol del Pacífico and collaborated with Susana Cazadero in the entertainment section for 3 years. I joined Debate de Mazatlán in 2001 to work as a reporter for Social, Culture, and Entertainment; then I received the opportunity, in 2012, to be Editor of the newspaper La Sirena, a position I held for three and a half years. Throughout my career I have interviewed great figures in the entertainment industry, including Joan Sebastian, Olga Breeskin, Yuri, Thalía, Lupita D’Alessio, Mijares, and Vicente Fernández. I have witnessed the artistic birth of other figures such as Gloria Trevi, Alejandra Guzmán and Ana Bárbara, whom I also interviewed in their musical beginnings. I have closely followed the career of groups such as Banda El Recodo, La Arrolladora Banda El Limón, La Original Banda El Limón; I have also supported and interviewed Banda MS, Julión Álvarez, Espinoza Paz, among others, from the beginning. Since the end of 2015, I have worked as a web reporter in the Entertainment section of Debate. I specialize in writing about Televisa, TV Azteca, particularly their reality shows, as well as about the careers of celebrities such as Lucero, Aracely Arámbula, Jenni Rivera, Lupita D’Alessio and Mario Moreno “Cantinflas”.