The last review of the year in The Strategic Portfolio of has left no changes and therefore maintains Gestamp as the only value on the radar of a tool that has that 10% of liquidity waiting for the automotive component manufacturer to reach the purchase price, located at the 2.35 euros.
In any case, a year in this tool closes with a bad result. Since the beginning of 2024, this portfolio has reported a profitability of 6%half that of the Ibex, which is the reference index. However, although it is not an excuse, since the objective is to always beat the market, it must be remembered that since its beginning, at the beginning of 2021, the total return If all operations had been replicated, it would rise to 38.6% between the capital gains from sales, the value of the current portfolio and the dividends collected, which total more than 13,700 euros.
In any case, this profitability will increase during the first month of 2025 taking into account the dividends that the companies that currently make up the portfolio have committed. The first to highlight is that of Repsol, a value in which a double position is open and, therefore, double will be charged. On January 14, the oil company will distribute a dividend of 0.475 euroswith which around 745 euros will be paid for the 1,567 shares in the current participation. This payment, at Repsol’s current prices, reaches a profitability of 4.2%. To obtain the right to collect, you must have the shares in your portfolio at the close of Thursday, January 9.
That same day coincides with the cutoff of Sacyr, another of the companies that currently make up the tool. In your case, it is a dividend in scriptwhich can be collected in shares or cash, which is the choice made in The Portfolio. This next payment, which will probably be distributed at the end of January, as in previous years, will be 0.062 euroswhich offer a yield close to 2%. This payment is the first of two that the dealership distributes throughout the year. With this charge, the open operations at Sacyr would approach balance since its opening within the tool. However, La Cartera continues to be more ambitious since it has one of the best recommendations in the entire Spanish stock market and a potential of 33%.
A little later, on January 22, comes the cut-off date for Acerinox, one of the companies that accumulates the most price losses within the portfolio. This dividend, which will be 0.31 euros per titlesuppose a profitability of 3.3% at current prices. To collect it, therefore, you must have the shares before Wednesday, January 22 and it will be deposited that same Friday. Although their titles have lost more than 13% since they were purchased, for 10.85 euros, thanks to the dividends collected, the loss only remains at 5%.
Finally, we must also mention the company that remains on the radar before the start of the new year, which is Gestamp and whose purchase price stands at 2.35 euros, an area that borders on current levels, thus at any time you could replenish the stock market exposure of the current stock selection. This Burgos company has not done well in recent months, heavily penalized by the crisis situation in the automobile sector. However, the collapse of its shares, of more than 30% in 2024, has opened a buying opportunity in a value whose business, in principle, should show greater resilience to this crisis than the rest of the industry. Analysts give over 40% upside potential looking ahead to the next 12 months.
#Cartera #closes #expects #dividends #January