Judges claim “not to remain silent” in the face of the violation of women’s rights in the world

“We cannot remain impassive or silent.” The claim for the rights of women and the alert for the violations they suffer in several countries of the world has been the protagonist of the action held this Friday by the Association of Women Judges of Spain (AMJE).

The entity of judges and magistrates has organized a simultaneous public reading act in Barcelona and Madrid to make visible the “continuous” violation of women’s rights, girls and boys worldwide.

During the act, several women representatives of parties and entities, but also anonymous, as well as some man and boys, have read items from the United Nations Charter, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the IV Geneva Agreement and others International treaties.

The objective of the action is to attract the attention of citizenship with a reading in the street of the “breach” of the fundamental rights of women, boys and girls, but also of the international laws that guarantee them.

“There is an international legal framework that protects these rights and that we cannot remain impassive at its constant violation,” the amje has claimed to remember the existence of a legal framework against the torture and abuse of women as well as guaranteeing their rights social, labor, educational, sexual or reproductive.

“Wars are never neutral when it comes to gender. Women and girls suffer a double victimization and their bodies become part of the battlefield, ”explained the entity, which recalled the“ huge impact ”of the war in Gaza in women and girls.

The association has also emphasized that in the western world there are also violations of women’s rights. “The reproductive rights of American women are in danger with Donald Trump’s second mandate,” said the Amje.

In Argentina, the association has indicated, the Milei government did not sign the declaration of gender equality within the framework of the G-20 and feminicide is raised as a legal category of the Criminal Code, “which would put women and girls at greater risk ”

And in Spain, the AMJE has indicated, the passage of the ultra -right through the first regional governments served to “promote policies against women’s reproductive rights and close care centers to victims of gender violence, from which they arrive even to deny its existence. ”

The act has had the support of groups such as the Judicial Association Judges and Judges for Democracy, the Women of Catalonia or the col·lective of gifts, exiles i migrades. There have also been musical performances.

#Judges #claim #remain #silent #face #violation #womens #rights #world

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