The writer and journalist Juan Soto Ivars, author of various books and essays, is known (and recognized) for his free way not to leave a pond without stepping on. We want to know of him and if also in the capital sins Chapotea.
“I forgive a sin … capital.
“I am lazy to talk about laziness.”
“Does laziness?” I planned to ask her about her account of her podcast with the writer Alberto Olmos. I would have liked to know if that laziness with which they do is pure imposture.
“It’s totally genuine.” We don’t feel like doing it. But that has ended up becoming part of grace. But, go, I assure you that it relieves it is true. Now we are looking for a date to record another and we do not stop putting sticks on the wheels, to see if we manage to delay it a little more.
“Would that, then, your capital sin?” Because it does not seem to see that the same writes books as in the press, it has a podcast, collaborates on radio and television … Isn’t it greed?
“No, laziness is not my sin capital.” And it is not greed either. It would be greed if, because I was in places, there could be no others. But the media have demonstrated their inexhaustible generosity to place everyone. Even Pedro Vallín is in Ferreras, and see that he put it to broth publicly when that meeting was leaked with Villarejo.
“It’s not lazy, it’s not greed.” I give up. What is your capital sin?
“Gula.” I am a professional compulsive. If I am nervous I can eat 3 cans of standing, in front of the closet, in the dark. I can swallow a whole fuest to bites. For me, gluttony is the unconscious expression of the grounds left by a Sanchista gathering whom I have not managed to answer on time on TV, for example.
“And the one that never falls?”
“I never fall in anger, I don’t have that capacity.” I am too little angry. I believe that God would go to see me so pánfilo.
“Are there any sin that costs you to apologize in others?”
“Envy I think is the one that costs me the most forgive, because she is the most difficult to see.” Envy disguises other things: contempt, cynicism, disinterest, arrogance … You have to do a lot of psychoanalysis to a bastard to realize that it does not hate you because it considers you worse, but because it is considered better and unfairly below.
“And the least?”
“The least cost me apologize in others is superb, because it seems to me a twisted expression of insecurity.” The arrogance is a shell that puts the weak, and the weak always causes some tenderness when it comes with rises.
“I apologize easily in others but in you, at a professional and personal moment like the one you live … Is it difficult to keep it at bay?”
“I have no superb because my insecurity is very well cartographed, I know where the roads and meanders are.”
“Do you think the list of capital sins is outdated?” Would you remove or add any?
“I think narcissism would be missing, which seems to me that it is the capital sin of the 21st century.” Although it has something to do with superb …
“We leave it, then, how is it.”
“Yes, we leave it like that.” In addition, I like the mechanics of capital sins because it leads us to think about forgiveness, which is what is missing today. It can only be defined to our relationship with others. We are very suited people.
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