A new PSOE has been born, but it will not be easy for it to free itself from the unmistakable aroma of the final stages. If old age is a return to childhood, Pedro Sánchez is returning to his origins. With militancy it all began, with militancy this new period begins. That is their refuge: “I haven’t been to a congress in thirty years, because it was very difficult and you had to have an outlet, but this one has been very easy because they invited us,” said a retired grassroots member who was delighted with the general secretary. “We are a party of militants,” said another, feeling a participant in the decisions her party makes. Pedro Sánchez took power because he knew how to confront militancy with leadership, and that monster must then be fed. As? Victimism and radicalism. And María Jesús Montero and Santos Cerdán are invaluable there, the two most efficient soldiers of the last three years in that very political party exercise that is the cult of the leader. But the secretary general does not marry anyone, except Begoña Gómez, and yesterday he sent two clear messages without having to open his mouth: when he arrived at the plenary session where the 41st Congress was going to be inaugurated, he did so alone, without his hard core. , who had entered a minute earlier dancing to another song. Then he appeared under the rhythm of Starlight, by Muse. The supreme leader is a modern man. The second was that he delegated the role of defending the management of the last three years to Santos Cerdán, the Secretary of Organization. With him began the festival of self-aggrandizement and victimization, of presenting a project as a denial of the adversary. The phrase was this: “A manhunt has taken place in court.” And he reaffirmed: «Yes, also in court. “There has never been a similar attack on a legitimate president.” This is buying the ‘lawfare’ theory and represents a Kirchnerization (of Cristina) of the socialist strategy. The former Argentine president even said that she was convicted for being a woman, even though she had stolen hands-on. And the world left, also the Spanish one, supported it. Coincidentally, a while later, the PSOE rehabilitated and applauded Manuel Chaves and José Antonio Griñán after their deletion in the ERE case: “Thank you Manolo, thank you Pepe.” It does not matter that they have not been acquitted of all crimes by the Constitutional Court, and that the Provincial Court must issue a new sentence. And it does not matter that the embezzlement that occurred under their governments has been proven. “A Kirchnerist speech of confrontation against the media and justice,” someone from the old guard, captured by nostalgia, told ABC. Kirchnerism and victimhood. Even Zapatero, who was applauded again yesterday, paid tribute to his former minister Magdalena Álvarez. “To the usual ones” That the party is not doing well is obvious, although on the stage of the Seville congress everything has been self-aggrandizement and attacks on the far right : There was not a single speech in which the attack on PP and Vox was not mentioned as a substantial argument: «There is a huge amount of money trying to discredit politics and giving empowerment to the as always,” said Montero, giving space to conspiracy theories that place the Government at the center of a strategy of coordinated harassment between judges, companies and the media. But below, in the corridors, among the leaders and the cadres, there is both silence and a certain feeling of anguish due to the scandals that increasingly haunt not only the Government, not only the party, but the president. Of course, the worry is endured like that Hemoal advertisement: in silence. The official guideline is to project an image that nothing is happening here. But it does happen, and the question that no one asks out loud (but everyone gossips) is how far the Lobatazo can go: to Minister Óscar López? To the president? Or someone else? «What surprises me is that Rafael Simancas, very close to Pilar Sánchez Acera, has not come out. “She goes up to Moncloa because Simancas goes there,” they say from the PSM, the most uncomfortable socialist federation in this congress after being left without a leader just three days ago. «We are in a state of ‘shock’. “No one understands him, there is no rational explanation for his behavior.” The Government is concerned about what may happen in the Supreme Court, which is why they encourage ‘lawfare’, but at the same time they are happy with the political death of Lobato, because Sánchez had pointed this out a long time ago. In the game they make pools, but there is a duo in the lead: “it will be a López: Óscar or Enma.” THE BACKGROUND Protagonist Pedro Sánchez’s wife took a dip in the crowds. Begoña Gómez appeared by surprise at the last minute in the social area of Congress, where she was received with applause, kisses and hugs. 2 Applicants The PSOE of Madrid is “in shock”, but in the pools two names that share a last name stand out: “Óscar or Enma.” That is, “it will be a López” The anecdote In his desire to achieve a peaceful and low-profile congress, Pedro Sánchez convened regional leaders on Friday to iron out differences. It was an informal snack, standing up and without taunts. “The PSOE is not a sect.” Juan Lobato said it on Tuesday in his 170-second appearance and it sounded more like regret than conviction. On Friday, Zapatero said in his first intervention that the effect that attending a PSOE congress has on a socialist is “happiness”, as if it were there when the person behind every socialist acquired its maximum meaning. That is why, yesterday, when the plenary meeting rehabilitated Manuel Chaves and José Antonio Griñán, it seemed like a religious, transcendent act. But no one remembered Felipe González, not a single mention. Because this new Socialist Party rehabilitates the convicted and outlaws the wayward. Or will Alfonso Guerra one day be redeemed for being fiercely critical of management? What became clear yesterday is that Ferraz seeks with this congress a total identification between the boss and the party, with the new executive and the future regional leaderships. Sánchez wanted to eat with the barons to smooth over differences and guarantee a peaceful congress. In part he succeeded, and the best proof is the debate on financing, with a text that even García Page supports and that has nothing to do with the Government’s promises to ERC. The PSC did not even present amendments. Low profile, cult of the leader, Kirchnerism and bunkerization. This is being the PSOE congress. And in the face of the growing threat of corruption, ‘lawfare’ and the Hemoal tactic. Until Justice speaks.
#Juan #FernándezMiranda #PSOE #Kirchnerism #militancy #stop #Lobatazo