A criminal jutjat from Barcelona has condemned a prisoner journalist Saül Gordillo, 50 years old, for having sexually assaulted a 23-year-old worker who directed the digital Major December 2022. The Prosecutor’s Office demanded two years of imprisonment and private accusation, four. The sentence, which can be reviewed, also requires two years of supervised release. an ordre d’allunyament of the victim.
The judge considers proven that the former director of Catalunya Ràdio i de l’ACN he is going to touch the ass and the vagina for the stealing of the young sense your consent in a nightclub in the Catalan capital after the sound of Nadal d’empresa. The ruling also condemns Gordillo to two years of disqualification To work or carry out activities with minors, contact them regularly and directly.
Pendent d’un segon judici
Gordillo is pending segon judicialso for sexually attacking the mateixa nit another journalist from the mitjà that he directed. In this second case, the Prosecutor’s Office provisionally demands a sentence of four years in prison.
The victim will declare that Gordillo is going to offer to accompany her home and that he will wake up in the vehicle while the assault was taking place, a story that Gordillo denies. A subsequent analysis will confirm that the woman had traces of a drug that acts as a painkiller.
Els fets
According to the 25-page sentence, the night from December 1 to 2, 2002 the digital Major i 8TV, from the mateixa company, are going to celebrate Nadal’s company match. After drinking, many of them go to a music bar. From there they go anar cap to the disco Apollo In taxis, Gordillo, La Noia and another editor go to the mateix vehicle. The director and the editor are sure to darrere and the other journalist is a copilot.
Upon arriving at the nightclub at around 2:30 hours and leaving the bags at the security guard, all three of them will cross the ball court and head to a bar to purchase a drink. Cap at 2:44 hours, and are charged by the security cameras, Gordillo, “amb ànim de satisfer el seu desig sexual and attempt against the sexual freedom of the victim, is going to stealthily appropriate so that the other non-pogués editor seva com la seva dreta de dissimulated baixava per l’esquena de la victim”. “She is going to attack her and move the most sought after vagina, without being able to obtain it directly because she did not prevent the theft that she had, while on the other hand she subjected the consumption,” he relates.
The girl was in an obvious state of nervousness, anxiety and confusion.
At the end of a minute, while the victim demands a drink, “with the mateix ànim and purpose, after changing the consumption of more, and sense that neither the other Portuguese editor could observe the actions of Gordillo, with the one who maintained a talks, it is going to re-appropriate her per l’esquena and with the most esquerra per sota of the tipus pant bed shorts that the complainant will finally arrive at the vagina and will place the dits between the mitges and the shorts “he also intended to masturbate her.”
From the aleshores the girl will follow the bar, in a “clear cognitive dissociation” and Gordillo and the other journalist are going to move to the ball court. It will be at 2:53 hours, I will wait for a few minutes afterwards, when the girl will react and will encounter both companies, to whom she will explain the events, something that she will assume what just happened. He was in an obvious state of nervousness, anxiety and confusion. The companies will try to calm her down and two of them will ask for a taxi home.
L’endemà al matí goes to the CAP, on li they will receive tranquil·litzantsand next day they will donate the sick leave, which will be extended until March 2023. The girl has paid post-traumatic stress, anxiety, emotional overflowacute sadness, intrusive and circular thoughts, difficulties sleeping, alterations in mood, irritability and feelings of shame and guilt. It has been treated by a psychologist, but does not demand compensation cap.
The girl has suffered post-traumatic stress, anxiety, emotional overflow
During the trial, Gordillo is going to defend the man who the images from the security cameras show a flirteig Between the two of them, the mother is only going to pose next to the girlfriend but on the robbery, but in fact she is almost going to the vagina. When after these events the girl will present the complaint before the Mossos d’Esquadra and will transcend to the public light, Gordillo will be filed by the new company and will subsequently be consulted.
The magistrate rules out that Gordillo pogués caure in which legally it is connected with a conquerable error or invincible error, it is to say that you disconnect at all times that it was acting badly, since it has not hi Cap testified that he certified that there had been a previous flirtation. The magistrate also remembers that Gordillo was 26 years older than the girl, he was the most experienced person than her. Therefore, he considers that he could not have fallen into the confusion of assuming that the bride was responsible for those touches.
#Journalist #Saül #Gordillo #sentenced #year #sexual #assault