The bulos and misinformation They are still one of the great challenges facing the media. They also affect all their aspects equally, either in their written version, on television or through the radio. Therefore, this Tuesday a journalistic debate was moderated by the journalist Antonio San José and prepared by Kreab Spain in which outstanding professionals of each medium They have analyzed what is the current reality facing society and how the media can do to reach the veracity of the facts in the face of a problem that is more extended and intensified.
This is stated by the 2025 media report Between polarization and defense against bulos which has been presented during the colloquium and in which it affects the fact that the large media have experienced and They continue to witness a constantly evolving media landscape. “I always remember that the history of the media is the history of technological revolutions,” he said Encarna Samitier, President of 20 minutesreferring to the fact that the big media They have had to adapt to all kinds of scenarios For many years, from the appearance of the Internet, until the arrival of social networks.
“Now we are with artificial intelligence, with Tiktok, with networks and with a series of constant advances and inventions, but interest in transmitting and support of companies is needed To be able to do rigorous, truthful and contrasted journalism, ” The professional added. Next to him, Vicente Vallésantenna journalist 3 news, and Rafa Latorre, director and presenter of the program The compassof wave zero, have influenced this same fact.
“We are in a revolution that affects all the models,” said the radio journalist adding that content is consumed “in a militant way” fruit of the polarized society in which we live. This, he said, makes them create “immunodeficent societies.” “With polarization it happens that you forgive everything to yours because they are not the other And when the media stop exercising their fundamental work is when the defense is lost, “he added.

Along the same lines, Vallés has lamented that there are politicians who dedicate themselves to pointing to journalists for their work: “It is sad that it is so, the worst thing is that it has normalized. I think that is bad because it becomes a mode of action which is already considered part of normal.
“I think that journalists have been traditionally too fearful and we must not be afraid of being criticized,” said Latorre, who explained that there is a specific interest in trying to attack the media: “There is a deliberate strategy for Weaken the counterparts. With the media something similar happens, it is something deliberate. The media are still uncomfortable enough to try to disable us. The fight against bulos is a fundamental struggle that must be articulated by the media, not by the power itself. ”
The analysis and veracity of the journalistic task
Samitier also stressed that the truth “only appears when everything is possible to gather the entire context, the data, the sources …”. It is then, he has remarked, When the journalistic content appears to a reader: “That is analysis and truthfulness. That is journalism.”
“When giving the news, journalists should not give up,” added the president of 20 minuteshighlighting that the journalist is a professional “with an ethical code and a responsibility” that attends to a constitutional right of the citizen such as the right to information. “In writings we notice how a fierce resistance to data, logic, commitments opposes the commitmentsbut the strength of the veracity of the facts is always imposed, although sometimes it is later. ”
Given this scenario, Vicente Vallés also wanted to value the journalistic task explaining that one of the effects of polarized societies is that the population goes only to what wants to hear. “People are not so aware of what the truth is, but what is the truth that I like. That does not help the informative process of the work done in a wording under contrasted data of the work of journalists. ”

“The writing is fundamental, if we became only to receive what comes to us and only give way to the end would not serve anything. That is what distinguishes a means of anything else “, He has commented in the same sense of Latorre.
Network information
During the debate, professionals have also talked about the inaccurate information that circulate through social networks or how Twitter ended up becoming X. On this last social network, the report prepared by KREAB in fact indicates that, despite its controversial, Users continue to choose it with more than 300 million users worldwide compared to the 20 that Bluesky has, founded by the co -founder of the old Twitter, and that these months has been established as an alternative.
“When X replaced Twitter, it is because there was an intention of power and other groups for that to happen. There is an intention and there is money invested in that and the opacity of the networks is total, we do not know how the metrics or their algorithms are manipulated and now we discover it, “ He has asserted Latorre about it. Encarna, on the other hand, added that through the networks and groups of WhatsApp Messages of ‘You will not read this in the media’ appear continuously.
“That is because many times it cannot be contrasted or because, in reality, it has already been said,” said the journalist, noting that, in contrast to anything that is said anywhere, it is very important that from the writings be Go to the co -responsible people who have experts on each subject: “You have to see and rever, the information of the information, the adjective … Within hurry to publish it is necessary to stop. You have to cultivate truth and nuance. ”

“It is inevitable the intention of journalists to be the first to give a news, but it is better to be the one that gives it better,” Vallés commented. “Publish something five minutes later may be the difference between publishing well or making a pifia”, The wavy journalist has also considered.
In addition, Encarna Samitier has considered that with the arrival of the Internet there has been “The mirage that anyone can be a journalist” And he has also appealed to the responsibility of the citizens to be able to discern who is and who does not: “It is very important that the readers know how It does not offer you the guarantee of a journalist with experience and ethics. “
Donald Trump or the irruption of AI
The colloquium has also served to talk about Donald Trump’s return to the White House. The three professionals have considered that their figure and their arrival again in the United States It is “a danger” for the country’s democracy. “This time the power structures are somewhat weaker than in their first mandate and there will still be a more serious problem,” said Vicente Vallés, who has stressed that in Spain there are also many who claim to be “I would contribute to ‘Trumpism’ And they are simply copying their action formulas. ”
They have also talked about artificial intelligence (AI), something that Samitier embodies it is “a tool and help”, but not “a substitute” of journalistic work. “AI is a great opportunity that will accelerate many processes. We are going to live a time of uncertainty that is inevitable, ” He has opined Latorre. “The AI can give you another fact as Google does, it will be useful for all types of tasks, but you cannot do the job of a correspondent and cannot do the task of analysis,” he said on his part the Antena professional 3.
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