The passage of successive stormsbeing ‘Martinho‘The last of them have swept the peninsula throughout the month of March, leaving abundant rainfall and even floods in many areas from Spain. With the month of March coming to an end, many wonder when the end of instability will arrive and we will say goodbye to the rains, especially when there are only three weeks left for Holy Week.
In that sense, although still There are no official predictions PARA in April or for Holy Week, the young Burgos Jorge Reyfond of meteorology, advances to do your forecast for the time of the coming weeks.
King, who went viral by being able to predict the snow storm of ‘Filomena’ in 2021 thanks to the Cabañuelas methodusually publishes its weather forecasts on its YouTube channel, often based on nature observations, the method of the Cabañuelas or the analysis of probabilistic prediction maps.
Jorge Rey’s forecast for the month of April
“We have a March end that will tend to stabilize. The anticyclone will continue to enter, but neither with too much force, “said Rey, who affirms that the month of April will not change as far as rainfall is concerned:” And it is that it is that April will bring us enough instabilityespecially emerging and focusing on dates of April 7, even speaking of many rains. “
As he explained on his YouTube channel, it will be through the north where the storms will enterand will affect the north and east“and not so much of the center or southwest peninsular.”
And in Holy Week? Based on the Cabañuelas method, Jorge Rey predicts that “Holy Week in the North Zone will be passed through the rubbing of enough“Of these fronts of instability. Therefore, in the Peninsular North, Jorge Rey values the possibility of a Holy Week passed by water.
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