We enter the last ten days of this month that, in the blink of an eye, has left us one of the rainiest of history in Spain.
The storms Jana, Konrad, Laurence and, now, Martinhothey have been the cause of the rains to sweep much of our country, leaving prints of floods and overflows of some rivers.
Although spring just arrives officially, this time will continue to accompany us a few more days According to the AEMET (State Meteorology Agency), which warns of more rains and the intensification of the cold to many points of the Peninsula.
Another of the usual ones in giving his time forecast is Jorge Rey, known as The ‘Meteorolgo Boy’which bases its forecasts on official time information and relies on other methods without scientific basis such as cabin or sayings. In his last video he exposes one of them to start his time forecast for this Friday and weekend, although he has turned him around“When in March Marcea, in May Maya”start saying.
What areas of Spain will it continue raining?
Jorge Rey reminds us that «right now we have Borrasca Martinho that will affect us during these next days with the arrival of Important rainfall, wind and also, brings with it a mass of cold airlowering temperatures, lowering the snow dimensions, although it is true that once the storm goes through and moves to the east areas, the Azores anticyclone will enter Spain, ”he says, giving hopes about a truce of the rains for next week, but we will still have to wait.
For this Saturday, March 22the young man states that the rains limit «to many points of Galicia, of Asturias, of the Cantabrian with much force more strength. In Castilla y León these precipitation will weaken something at several points but will continue present. Aragon, Catalonia, Madrid, Extremadura and areas of Northwest of Castilla-La Mancha will also continue to see water from the sky and the more notable rainfall In Andalusia they will be by points of Cádiz and Jaén, according to Rey.
He Sunday It will be a day of instability especially on the peninsula, thus highlighting for example areas of Andalusia, Ceuta or Melilla. On the other hand at points of the peninsular center we will also continue talking about rains such as Guadalajara or Madrid, Even in areas of Catalonia and, of course, rains that will continue to reach areas of the Cantabrian.
Where will you snow in Spain?
The snow does not say goodbye to our country with the arrival of spring, Jorge Rey explains: «On Saturday will leave us snowy, which above all begin to emerge around the afternoon, when eating more or less. But mainly affecting mountainous systems. It won’t be until Sunday when you really look too important.
In addition, the Burgos explains that for Sunday they will arrive «little by little winds that can leave us nevaded in points of Burgos, de Soria, de Ávila, from Segovia, de Cuenca, from Teruel … In general cold that would enter after the entrance of this Martinho storm ».
With all these forecasts of heavy rains, snowfall, wind and cold, Jorge Rey asks “Caution these next few days”referring to this Friday and the weekend.
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