Joan García is the fashion goalkeeper of Spanish football. His non -call by Luis de la Fuente for the Spanish team was much discussed because, today, Sallent’s is in a state in an extraordinary way. He demonstrated it last weekend stopping two penalties in the match against Mallorca. Each day adds a new heroity to its accumulated, in which it is already the goalkeeper with the most stops in the league.
The enormous performance that is offering together to the greatest media exposure offered by the former has translated into a great increase in its market value. Overnight, the blue and white goalkeeper has become a market value according to Transfermarkt from 10 million to 20. This figure could be increased in the coming months if the goalkeeper’s performances remain at a high level.
Rising values
Omar, from 3 million to 10, a rush that makes him overcome.
Nobody in Espanyol hides that Joan García is one of the candidates to be the sale that pales part of the economic problems of the club. Garagarza himself confirmed on some occasions that Arsenal wanted to take its services last summer. The player’s clause right now is 25 million euros, reaching 30 in the last two weeks of the market. If it were summoned by Luis de la Fuente, he has been in the Prelist for this call, its price would increase by five million.
All this should help the offers that arrive by the player approach the termination clause. In addition to that this will force the Perico sports director to be more uncompromising when looking for a good sale of the goalkeeper.
Exponential Cremment
Antoniu Roca, one million more
Another that also has a poster to play next season outside Espanyol is Omar El Hilali. With only 21 years he has established himself on the right side and his price has gone from 3 million to 10. A rush that makes him now the second most expensive player in the team, even before Javi Puado (8 million). They have also improved their assessment Marash Kumbulla (from 4.5 to 6 million), Roberto Fernández (from 3.5 to 4), Carlos Romero (from 2.5 to 3), Urko (from 1.2 to 1.5) and Antoniu Roca (from 0.4 to 1.5)
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