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We are not always able to see what we have in front. Or worse: we look through prejudices and deficiencies
The other day I saw on TV to the brother -in -law of a footballer who took out the ocular prostheses live to defend himself invoking his honesty of blind. He gave me what to think. The theme of honesty of what we see and we don’t see me … to the ‘essay on the blindness’ of Saramago, where everything that society is firmly cemented is demolished. And then the image of that old movie came to me, ‘The man with x -rays in the eyes’, That is already outdated, because the apocalyptic future of science fiction of the Cold War has been overcome by the frivolity of television reality. Even so, I tell myself: we are not always able to see what we have in front. Or worse: we look through prejudices and deficiencies.
There are those who are seeing the new and impressive Netflix series ‘adolescence’ with ideological glasses, “pure macho violence”, when what it does is illuminate those and many other daily, family abysses, including the blindness we have towards our own young people. There is an opportunity to overcome it and stop being myopes in a very complex world. But I don’t have much hope. I read the other day that there are those who have seen in the programming of ‘History of a ladder’ by Buero Vallejo and ‘Lights of Bohemia’ of Valle-Inclán in public theaters of Madrid something intolerable: a repertoire, it is said, “as God commands”, as if wanting to delegitimize him.
It would be contrary to the “exemplary” agenda of Carmena’s time (which emptied the theater slaughterhouse and erased the names of Max Aub and Fernando Arrabal of the Spanish ships) because it would cause idiopathic blindness towards contemporary problems. Privileged skull!
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#Jesús #García #Calero #Essay #blindness