William Burroughs and Genesis P. Orridge were apologettes of the invention. And Sartre, Nobel Prize for Literature, at a evolutionary moment he dispensed with literary refinement prevailing ideas, considered that it was like that of ‘writing well’. Like Twitter but half a century earlier, go. And he left me … thinking. Like once Sánchez-Dragó when he confessed to my 16 years that he did not listen to music, that I had even tried to click Pink Floyd bathed in psychoactive substances, and that I did not even understand the music. He also left me thinking. Understanding him, the reality is that he gives as acial and transcends reason, it is somewhat superior or pure, and it is rare not to understand that we must not always understand.
And then, we arrive at the ‘automatic writing’. Wunderkammer has just reissued ‘The Magnetic Fields’, the pioneer experiment of André Breton and Philippe Soupault who carried out with a method, for a month to daily, a few days ten hours. Without looking back, writing and writing in front of the brain, squeezed high -poetic radioactivity phrases, originated surrealism and, despite the great prologue of Julio Monteverde on such a liberating technique, fascinates and one discourages that it flows so perfect without narrative breakage of the narrative Murmullo of the psyche. Thus, they reached a more authentic state of language, and realized that “the spirit offered images and not reasoning.” That is, that poetry was closer to the original impetus of being without artifice. Karla Sofía Gascón may be disagree.
“A man whose crib is in the valley arrives with a beautiful beard of forty years to the top of a mountain and gradually puts himself to decline,” they write. Rajoy did not achieve such beauty with: “You are a Ruiz” or “Spain is a great nation and the very Spanish and great Spaniards.” And, however, now we are worse than ever in terms of mental freedom. If the automatic writing raises the bars, the algorithm confines us in other invisible and spurious in the most perfected way. We talked about Bad Bunny, ‘The island of temptations’, from Broncano, Vinicius, Vito Quiles, Lola Lolita and whatever someone truque and that does not decline the algorithm party (in our sad and very wolf Zulo).
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#Javier #Villuendas #André #Breton #algorithm