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In January 1933 hitler is invested Chancellor by decision of the president Hindenburg. Neither the conservative party nor the social democrats had enough seats to form a government; after a few months of waiting, Hitler would take over the Chancellery with the support of the conservatives, who hoped to be able to manipulate the impetuous criminal. The weakness of the Weimar Republicwhich had nevertheless made Germany’s economic recovery possible, the war debt payments agreed to in Versailles and the crisis caused by the collapse of the New York Stock Exchange created the right climate for an intelligent man, with great oratorical skills but absolutely dazed, to come to power with a program strictly based on anti-Semitism, anti-communism and extreme nationalism that put the nation above individuals and the rest of the nations of the world. Germanythe only important thing. Big industry supported the genocide and did not stop doing so until they saw that the war was lost: They saw in the Nazi project a great opportunity to increase their profits, in the war, a long-awaited dream. There were not three or four Germans who supported Hitler and his gang of murderers, around half of the citizens of that country gave him their trust and believed in the promised greatness. Then we would all pay the consequences, especially the Russian people who lost more than twenty million combatants, the Jews, the communists and those belonging to ethnic or sexual minorities. Spainan ally of Hitler, was sentenced to suffer a forty-year dictatorship.
The dictatorship of the new rich, of the great global capitalists of new technologies, will not only lead us to a war of incalculable consequences, but will surely end civilized life.
A few days ago the Americans gave their majority confidence to donald trumpa man without principles, a supine oaf, a convicted criminal and a character without any scruples. His electoral program is based on a few promises: Only North America matters, replacing the State with an oligocracy of billionaires, the expulsion of fifteen million undocumented migrants, without mercy with crime and the liquidation of the rickety Yankee social protection system, more similar to that of the poorest nation in the world than that of the richest. Like Hitler, whom Trump admires without hiding it, as was demonstrated when he said he wanted generals like the ones the German bastard had, the new president of the United States has the unconditional support of the big technology companies, which are the new state. fascist, companies that escape any type of control, that have more information about all of us than the company itself INCwhich dominate global commercial transactions, the information on which we feed and which in stock market terms exceed the GDP of a country like Spain. We are, therefore, at the beginning of a global dictatorship headed by Trump and his psychopathic rustlers in which fundamental human values such as solidarity, empathy, the redistribution of wealth, fraternity or freedom are completely meaningless.
As has been said many times, history does not repeat itself, but it often tends to pass, like torrential waters, in the same place it went in the past. However, there is something very significant that does not happen now: There is no one in front of us. In the thirties, the USSRwho had made an agreement with Hitler to gain time and be able to arm himself, faced the Nazis far beyond his means, until he destroyed the most powerful army in the world. United Kingdomafter the hesitation of Chamberlaindecided to declare war and the United States, when the German failure was already sensed, sent its soldiers to do the biggest deal in history until then: Become the leading economic and military power in the world with Europe at its feet and at its command. .
Big industry supported the genocide and did not stop doing so until they saw that the war was lost: They saw in the Nazi project a great opportunity to increase their profits, in the war, a long-awaited dream.
Now, that option does not exist, two world blocks are being formed, one the Asian one with connections in African countries, whose greatest potential is not, although it counts a lot, its technology or its industry, but its more than five billion inhabitants; the other, the one they lead Trump, Musk, Bezos and all that group of neo-Darwinists willing to erase any hint of Humanity from the face of the Earth. Hand in hand with the great magnates of technology companies and with an army armed to the teeth, the United States is preparing, with the support of the voters who have wanted to exercise that right – a little more than half – to turn the world into an uninhabitable place where the values that we have considered paradigmatic since the French Revolution go directly to the attic of broken dreams. We are perhaps, once again, facing one of the most critical periods in the recent history of the world because power has been handed over to the most unscrupulous, because under the excuse of unfulfilled promises, of bad politicians, the people have decided to elect the worst, to the vermin, to those who will not hesitate to apply the most savage measures imaginable in order to achieve their objectives: End any type of dissidence, implement a system in which all powers are concentrate, as will happen in the United States from January 2025, on a single man whose only motto is that to whomever God gives it, Saint Peter bless it, a man who, on the other hand, is not an exemplary businessman, nor a enormously rich, but who has managed to attract the richest men on the planet to his new fascism.
Meanwhile, in Europe there is hardly any talk of anything other than increasing defense budgets and lowering taxes, while its citizens have adopted Trump’s program and fill their map with far-right governments that do not believe in the European Union and are opening concentration camps for migrants. The Europe that, despite all its colonial excesses, was the main promoter of the great democratic and social achievements of the 20th century, shrugs its shoulders, is filled with fear and prefers to disappear, remain silent, turn its back despite having in its past recently the terrible experience of seeing their fields and cities destroyed, how each and every one of the most fundamental human rights were trampled and how millions of their children died.
They say that the past, that history does not serve the new generations once the grandparents and parents who lived the most tragic experiences have died. I believe that it is like this, that each generation demands its own drama and seeks it with the zeal typical of the disturbed, but despite the disenchantment, the disbelief, I believe that it is time for those of us who continue to believe in human rights, in social democracy , in true freedom, let us act in all the fields within our reach, denouncing all those who, like Trump, want to end the best political system created by man, although, of course, necessarily perfectible. The dictatorship of the new rich, of the great global capitalists of new technologies, will not only lead us to a war of incalculable consequences, but will surely end civilized life.
#discontent #voted #Hitler