Israel | An atypical number of jellyfish found in the Mediterranean

The abundance of jellyfish is suspected to be due to climate change, which has raised the water temperature.

26.7. 18:31

In the Mediterranean an uncharacteristically large number of jellyfish have been observed recently, reports news agency Reuters.

Jellyfish have been seen especially in Israel, where a large swarm of jellyfish was immortalized near the port city of Haifa.

According to the local authorities, the jellyfish have made it particularly difficult for the area’s desalination plants to operate, as they have blocked the plant’s systems. In addition, they have also hindered industrial fishing in the area.

Large swarms of jellyfish have also chased away almost all swimmers from the area.

Transparent ones the increase in the number of aquatic creatures in the Mediterranean is suspected to be due to several reasons.

Water pollution in the Haifa area is suspected as one of the reasons, as fertilizers used in agriculture have leaked into the sea in the area, which the jellyfish could have used for food.

However, it is mainly suspected that the abundance of jellyfish swarms is due to climate change, which has slowly raised the temperature of the Mediterranean Sea and increased the number of jellyfish that thrive in high temperatures.

“The water is getting hotter and hotter and we can see more and more jellyfish. It is clear that global warming contributes to the emergence of these massive swarms,” ​​describes the Israeli environmental authority Guy Lavian.

According to the Israeli authorities, the growth is also explained by the ecological balance of the environment, which has been destabilized by overfishing in the Mediterranean, as a result of which the jellyfish have taken living space from other seafood.

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