ABC Póstcast
Dark matter
The tranquility of the Solar System could be interrupted by a distant neighbor, but influential: Alpha Centauri
A recent study reveals that about one million interstellar objects, with dimensions greater than 100 meters, originating in this neighboring star system, are currently wandering by the confines of our Oort cloud.
Alpha Centauri, the star system closest to ours, is composed of three stars: Alpha Centauri A, Alpha Centauri B and next Centauri. The gravitational interaction between these stars can destabilize the orbits of the objects that surround them, throwing them into interstellar space. Some of these objects, after a travel of millions of years, end up being captured by the seriousness of our sun and are installed in the Oort cloud.
All “dark matter” episodes can be found on the main audio platforms, such as Spotify, Ivoox, Apple Podcasts, Amazon Musicand Podimo. They are also available in YouTube.
#bombing #Alpha #Centauri