Netflix He has achieved it again. One more year, as happened with series like The squid game either My teddy reindeer, It has returned to Place in the center of the conversation with one of its fictions. In this case it is Adolescence the series that everyone talks about (and we talk). The four -episodes miniseries narrates in four spectacular planes sequence the arrest and the Research for alleged homicide to a 13 -year -old child.
In Adolescence, its creators Jack Thorne and the actor Stephen Graham, They portray such current issues in younger generations such as school bullying, bullying in social networks, INCEL culture or the incidence of the speeches of the PERICA in the radicalization of young boys. In fact, the miniseries, as creators have revealed, is inspired by real cases.
Hence, very soon in the conversation, the question has emerged It is advisable to see the series with teenage children. And that from Cinemania We have hurried to answer this question by consulting a health psychologist accustomed to attend to young patients in their practice.
The opinion of a psychologist about ‘adolescence’
The first that clarifies us Jacobo Ozores, Health psychologist at the Ozores Eizmendi Psychology Center, is that The social reality that portrays Adolescence It is more common in the United Kingdom than in Spain. Does this mean that we get better standing in the comparison? We are afraid that no and so indicate the statistics. Adolescent discomfort exists in the same way in Spain that in the country where the series takes place, but here, when it reaches extremes of overflow it is easier than It transcends suicide that towards violence towards the other.

However, the question to be asked to both cases. “The universal is the question of How these children get to these extremes. They are teenagers who, at a given time, by a certain overflow they use violence. They are children who develop a degree of discomfort that is growing and integrating, within that discomfort, aspects and beliefs within their personality that leads them to commit an act of violence. Good against others, either against oneself, “explains the psychologist.
What aspects and beliefs do you mean? This is where the PERICA, Universe of inflaming of toxic masculinity arising to rebuild from the last feminist wave, that the series portrays thoroughly as a backdrop. Jamie, the 13 -year -old boy accused of killing a colleague’s companion with a knife, has spent the last years in contact with that culture and, according to the series, the “values” is revealed, for calling them in some way, of that group, they are the ones that have led him to commit the crime.
“They are very biological speeches based on myths that are not scientifically proven, that they encourage the position of domination of men over women, implying that what the woman needs is an alpha man, a firm and dominant man who she owes loyalty and submission. This speech mixes success, cars, mansions, jewels, aesthetics, A very derogatory speech towards the weak, towards the fragile, As if being a man, he had to mean that he cannot be weak, “explains Jacobo Ozores.
Toxic masculinity and ‘ince’ culture
Ozores reflects on how all this is reflected In the third episode of Adolescence in which we see Jamie confronting the psychologist that has to write a child’s profile for imminent judgment. “Jamie turns this type of ideas against the psychologist, who when he does not respond to what he would like about her is aggressive, physically intimidates her, insults her …”.
These outposts of the light often arise as a response or answer. Have you heard the term uncertainty? An Incel in Internet Jarge is a celibate against his will. The series reveals in the second chapter how Jamie suffered Bullying. It was precisely Katie, his victim, who exercised that harassment describing him to the rest of his teammates as an “ince”.
“That’s why, The psychologist explores in him what masculinity means for him, The need to feel powerful, his hatred of women who reject him for being ugly. That is why the child all the time questions if she can ask her such questions, she has that pseudosuuce game and manipulate her. The psychologist explores if the motive for Jaime’s crime is that inability to submit to Katie, ”explains Jacobo Ozores.

New forms of ‘bullying’
The psychologist also highlights how well the series portrays Youth bullying, which expands to the universe of social networks making their identification more complicated. “It is very good to what extent it is difficult for adults to control the social networks of a teenager if they do not control their language.”
“The police interpret the messages that Katie has sent Jamie as friendly, when Katie, far from being her friend, was doing her bullying. It is a good example of to what extent parents may not be aware of what is happening in the world of their children Because they are not able to interpret the codes, language, emoticons, the symbols they use in social networks, “he adds.
And here we begin to approach the crux of the matter. Although it sounds obvious, The most important thing to prevent these dramatic cases is to be present and available for our teenage children. “Normally, if the children who are suffering do not externalize it, do not talk to teachers, do not talk to their parents, with students who can mobilize a help, they retract, take refuge in their rooms, are isolated from the world and that is when virtual realities and social networks come into play,” explains ozores about a reality that is verbalized in Adolescence.

Guide to see the series with adolescents
In the fourth episode of the series, Parents blame for not having intervened with the progressive isolation of their child, locked in his room and stuck to the computer screen afternoon after. “The most important thing is to be present emotionally, ask our children, not to ignore any signal. Nor should we be invasive, we must not overwhelm, but you have to try to feel seen, understood.”
And, for that reason, this psychologist considers that It is advisable to see Adolescence With our teenage children. “In fact, seeing the series with adolescents can generate that space in which conversation is promoted, that serves as a meeting point with the teenager. And serve to ask how you feel at school, what are the fashions of the moment, what are the influencers that follow, because that is where you can see the influences in your children, “he explains.
“Instead of looking the other way, You have to create an open listening space in which to explore what the series seems to them, What has caught his attention and then entering the most personal aspects of his own reality, “he concludes.
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