Each time it is possible to find More alternatives to the popular cow’s milk In supermarkets: on the one hand, sheep’s milk or goat copan The competition As for dairy drinks of animal origin; While soybean, oats or even rice lead the vegetable alternatives. SIt will be possible that the list of milks of animal origin is one mare milk?
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Although it is still early to find this particular food in public sales establishments, researchers from the Technological University of Western Pomerania, in Szczecin (Poland) They propose to elaborate ice cream With it for its multiple health benefits, as observed in the study they have just published in ‘Plos One‘
In fact, they ensure that mare milk has Great potential for the production of functional foods. The composition of mare milk is much more similar to that of human milk than to that of cow, in particular due to the Low casein proportion in relation to serum protein, low mineral content, high lactose content and high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids.
In addition, mare milk is a Bioactive substances source. Contains a high proportion DE phospholipids and fatty acids Pufa N-3, in particular linolenic acid, and is a source of lactoferrin and smoothness.
Thanks to its unique composition, mare milk has shown to have therapeutic effects. It can be useful for the treatment or prevention of gastrointestinal and respiratory system disorders.
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In addition, this milk presents properties Immunomodulators and influences the composition of the intestinal microbiota through the inhibition of pathogenic bacteria and the stimulation of the growth of bifidobacteria. This confirms that mare milk is suitable for The development of high quality functional foods.
It is known that probiotics can be used successfully for the production of functional ice cream from sheep’s milk, goat and camella.
Therefore, the aim The study was to evaluate the viability of mare milk for the production of yogurt ice cream and symbiotic ice cream with probiotic and inulin bacteria. In addition, the effect of inulin on the viability of yogurt and probiotic bacteria in mare milk ice cream was examined. Four different ice cream were elaborated, and those that included this milk proved to be good probiotic treatments.
For research, four mare milk ice cream variants were developed: ice cream with yogurt bacteria without inulin (I), another with inulin, and another with inulin and ‘lacticebacillus rhamnosus’ (CCR+i). The room included ‘Lactiplantibacillus‘.
The ice cream obtained did not differ in the content of protein, fat and total solids, but in acidity. The ice cream, the only one without inulin, had the highest acidity, which suggests that inulin decreases this parameter. The taste, in addition, is good in all.
To take into account
Yogurt ice cream and probiotic ice cream are products that combine the properties of ice cream and yogurt or probiotic dairy drink. They contain lactic bacteria (Bal) Vivas, which remain stable during the useful life of the product. These types of frozen desserts can be considered healthier alternatives to ice cream.
The probiotics are microorganism strains That, when consumed in sufficient quantities, they show a positive effect on health and well -being. Some of the probiotic capabilities are Cancer prevention, cholesterol reduction and immune system modulation.
These bacteria are introduced mostly in fermented dairy products, such as yogurt and cheese. However, frozen dairy desserts also They are products with good potential to be used as carriers of probiotic bacteria.
The high content of dairy solids and fat protects bacteria. As a result, probiotics are capable of surviving in freezing conditions for a long storage period.
Also, for improve The functional properties of probiotic frozen dairy desserts, these can be complemented with prebiotics, that is, “substrates which are selectively used by guest microorganisms and confer health benefits“
The role of inulin
One of the most used prebiotics in the food industry is Inulinaa type of non -digestible dietary fiber that contains natural fruiting. This oligosaccharide es fermented by the microbiota of the colon and, consequently, provides innumerable natural benefits.
The inulin No It only stimulates positive microbiota in intestines, but can also increase the survival capacity of probiotic bacteria in ice cream during their storage.
In addition to the Fruitooligosaccharidesother prebiotics used are soy oligosaccharides and galactooligosaccharides.
In conclusion, mare milk is a raw material Suitable for the production of yogurt ice cream and sinbiotic ice cream that, due to the unique composition of mare milk, can be perceived as a valuable functional food, providing benefits to the health of the population.
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