Infanta Cristina visits Murcia during a day with the La Caixa Foundation

Tuesday, October 17, 2023, 16:12

Infanta Cristina visited the capital of the Region this Tuesday as part of a work day organized by the La Caixa Foundation in which they took the opportunity to learn about both the Salzillo Museum and the work carried out at the Cáritas Hospitality School Eh! in Murcia.

The infanta stopped in Murcia on the occasion of the Foundation’s event for the fifteenth anniversary of the Alliance for Childhood Vaccination. In addition, she wanted to know first-hand the work carried out by Cáritas professionals helping the students of the Hospitality School to train and enter the labor market.

The Alliance for Childhood Vaccination is an initiative that fights against child mortality in the most disadvantaged territories through the vaccination of the youngest children. Since 2011, the La Caixa Foundation and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation have doubled, respectively, through parallel contributions, all the funds donated to said Alliance by the private sector, multiplying the efforts against infant mortality by four.

#Infanta #Cristina #visits #Murcia #day #Caixa #Foundation


