A check for 13,987 euros delivered directly into the hands of Dante Carraro, director of Doctors with Africa CUAMM. The ceremony took place in recent days during the Motor Bike Expo in Verona, in the stand of the Italian Motorcycle Federation in the presence of its President Giovanni Copioli, where Team Manager Marco Visonà delivered the result of the fundraising activity carried out by the IMCLA Team ( In Moto con l'Africa) during 2023.
The sum was collected through the fundraising platform Rete del dono, with a generous donation from an American foundation linked to an associate of the Moto Club In Moto con l'Africa and through donations from the riders who raced, in exchange for a offered, in the Moto Guzzi V7 Sprint Trophy with motorbike number 46, on which the graphics of the legendary Team Italia had been applied, where riders of the caliber of the late Fausto Gresini and Luca Cadalora competed in the past.
Marco Visonà spoke about a recent mission in Uganda and summarized the stages that led to this extraordinary result, heartily thanking those present and those who gave their fundamental contribution: the Federation, Stefania and Massimo Ducoli, who generously made the moto, the GCorse of the brothers Vittoriano and Gianfranco Guareschi, free of charge curators of logistics and assistance on the track, and all the enthusiasts and companies that supported the project.
The floor was then given to D. Dante Carraro who, with a passionate speech, recalled the importance of using motorbikes in the difficult contexts where Doctors with Africa CUAMM has been operating for more than seventy years. In fact, two wheels are able to bring healthcare to the sub-Saharan African countries in which the Padua-based NGO operates and are essential for transporting women giving birth from remote villages to the nearest health centres.
The Team will repeat the operation also in 2024, granting the FMI licensees the same V7III number 46, which will be entered in the new Eagle Trophy: a regularity competition included in the Italian Classic Championship which will take place in five stages in the most iconic Italian circuits. Anyone interested in participating can contact the Team Manager directly at: motoclubimcla@gmail.com
Previously, the Team IMCLA team was presented, which this year will participate in the CIV Classic in two different championships with five bikes. Two will be fielded in the Moto Guzzi Fast Endurance Trophy with the couples Cristiano Franco/Nicola Marcato and Claudio Figgiaconi/Marco Grandi and another three in the Eagle Trophy with Marco Visonà, Giuseppe Lisi and the aforementioned #46 with the Team Italia livery.
Anyone who wants to support the team can find all the information on the website: https://www.teamimcla.org
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