Famous Italian Actor Comes Out: Here’s Who He Is!
After a period of reflection and great uncertainty, a very famous Italian actor decided to come out and reveal his sexual orientation to everyone. The news shocked many people, as it was completely unexpected.
Here’s who it is.
Italian Actor Decides to Come Out
Our society is very advanced, but at times still rather closed towards issues that should be faced without fear and judgment. Precisely for this reason there is not always the courage to express one’s own personalitythus committing a serious mistake.

An Italian actor knows this very well and a few hours ago he decided to do it coming outrevealing to all his sexual orientation. The interpreter would then have revealed his intentions thanks to a video which also features a Swedish singer named Andreas Wijk.
The choice comes from the fact that Andreas has previously released a single entitled If I was gayin which he talked about all the problems and negative thoughts he could have faced as the son of a Pentecostal pastor. Thanks to this video, however, several people have found the courage to open up and reveal this important part of their soul to the world.
The handsome actor reveals his homosexuality: here’s who he is
The beautiful Italian actor made this completely unexpected revelation Giancarlo Commareknown for taking part in films and TV series such as SkamThe boy declared that he was homosexual in front of his smartphone camera, stating: “I’m gay”.

For some the news it was unexpected, while for others the boy had already hinted at something similar some time ago. Obviously many fans of the artist were struck by this statement, as in the roles of the actors he was the classic Don Giovanni, a steal hearts. What matters, however, is that the actor has found the happiness and above all the strength to be yourself without having to hide from people’s judgement.
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