Marian Rojas Estepé. For many, An unknown name. Now, for others -and more after your visit to ‘El Hormiguero‘-, It is a reference in the field of medicine. And it’s not for less: he is a psychiatrist from 2007 by the University of Navarra and currently work in the Red Institute Estapé.
In general, he has dedicated much of his career to investigate Human behavior and emotions management. “Study to get to the bottom of the mind and understand optimism, The brain, stress, happiness and well -being “, She tells her in her Person websitel.
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In this process, he has found five daily routines that have in common the happiest people, especially from 50 years. These are:
- They carry out a reflection exercise. Yes, to put their ideas in order where, among other things, they make a personality scheme to know each other better or distinguish between problems with life and mental pathology. In addition, they also learn to breathe.
- They practice sports. It is the great secret to enhance memory, creativity and problem solving.
- They hug the pain. The expert advises that we feel microdesis of pain in the day to day, such as bathing with cold water or not taking an analgesic when it hurts our heads. This little gesture makes us feel better when a dopamine release occurs.
- They submit the body to a fast from dopamine. It recommends accepting a small amount of discomfort every day, such as having a bit of thirst or a little hunger. This fasting of dopamine is a mental training so as not to succumb to primary impulses.
- They look for the flow. They get carried away. When you get to that state, the screens are left behind, the hobbies return and fill the day to day with activities that truly motivate you.
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