Condemned for the “discriminatory nature” of her words. So two years later and with a sentence, the story that began with a statement from the woman ends stylist Elisabetta Franchiinvited to speak at the conference “Women and fashion: the 2022 barometer” organized by PwC with the newspaper The paper. The entrepreneur surprised everyone by saying that she prefers to hire women only if they are aged forty and over. «If they were supposed to get married they are already married, if they had to have children they have already had them and if they wanted to separate they have already done that too – he then added -. So let’s say that I take them when they have already made all the turning points and are there beautiful calm with me by my side and they work night and day».
For Elisabetta Franchi, young women are to be avoided, while men are fine at any age. She had an explanation for this too. «Then I am Emilian and, despite being so emancipated, I believe that we women have a duty which is written in our DNA and we must not even deny it – she said in front of a perplexed audience – that is that we have the children and in any case we light the fireplace in the houseso it is our responsibility to take care of it.”

Today, Wednesday 5 June, the Busto Arsizio court declared the “discriminatory nature” of these words and condemned your company, Betty Blue spa, to pay 5 thousand euros in compensation to the national association against discrimination, assisted by lawyers Silvia Conti, Carlo de Marchis and Carlo Cavalieri. The company must also promote courses for all employees against gender discrimination.
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