In Spain the data is not better. Heart conditions are one of the most frequent reasons for death, according to data from the National Institute of Statistics (INE).
Experts fear that this negative health trend will continue to rise. That is why they are increasingly forced to share advice and guidelines to follow a healthier and more balanced diet.
This is the case of Lauren Baldwincardiologist at Orlando Heart and Vascular Health Institute (USA). The expert indicates that it is “essential” to know which foods are most harmful to the heart. “The options are abundant, but not always healthy,” he says.
Baldwin emphasizes that “There is no single diet that is best for the heart”although there are certain foods that must be present. “The goal is to focus on fruits, vegetables, whole grains and antioxidants», he says.
But his recommendations do not stop there. The expert has prepared a ‘blacklist’ with six foods that should not be part of the diet and that all cardiologists avoid. Furthermore, they are products that They are usually taken daily in Spain.
French fries and other processed snacks
Having a beer or a soft drink on Sunday morning is already a tradition in our country. Normally, the drink is accompanied by an appetizer, which is usually nuts, olives or, the most common, French fries. However, Baldwin advises avoiding its consumption at all costs. “All you get is calories without vitamins, minerals and fiber that the body needs. Therefore, they will still be hungry even if you finish the bag,” he explains.

Fast food
We all know that fast food is not healthy for our body, but we still continue to resort to it due to lack of time in our daily lives. «Many restaurants still use what is known as trans fats. They are the least healthy, since increase cholesterol levels», warns the cardiologist.

Red meat
Red meat is one of the most common foods in Spain. However, it is not as healthy as has always been thought. Baldwin clarifies: “Red meat, including pork, has a higher saturated fat and cholesterol content. Recent research also suggests that it contains nutrients that produce trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO) when broken down by the intestine. This compound has been linked to an increased risk of hardening of the arteries, heart attacks and strokes».

sugary drinks
Who doesn’t want to have a can of their favorite soft drink from time to time? Normally we believe that nothing happens by drinking one, but the reality is very different. The cardiologist confirms that sugary drinks “increase the risk of suffering metabolic diseases and diabeteswhich is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Also remember that they are full of empty calories.

Sausages and processed meats
Baldwin is clear about which food should, without a doubt, be on his ‘black list’ of foods he never eats. And she herself indicates that sausages and processed meats “have little to offer from a health point of view.” «They have a high salt contentwhich can greatly contribute to raising blood pressure. They also have saturated fatwhich can increase LDL cholesterol levels,” he says.

Cinema popcorn
Perhaps this food is not the most common in the diet, but when you go to the movies it is almost inevitable to order a bucket full of popcorn. And what Baldwin says about this snack is not good news. “In addition to being covered in salt, the product often contains coconut oil, rich in saturated fats that can raise bad cholesterol level. They are worse if they are full of butter, which is usually flavored palm oil,” he says.
The cardiologist suggests cooking homemade popcorn. At ABC we explain how to prepare them.
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