Human relationships | “A friend gets hurt, and I’m always the one who apologizes” – Change your speech like this, advises the expert

If you don’t discuss a recurring awkward issue with a friend, there is a risk that it will become a thorn that creates distance, says psychologist Maisa Lehtinen. At the end of the story, you can propose your own question about interpersonal topics to the expert.

of HS reader writes:

I care about my longtime friend, but when we fight, I’m always the one who ends up playing the mediator and apologizing. This happens despite the fact that many times arguments start after I have brought up my friend’s behavior that has caused me negative feelings. Where is the line in what you have to tolerate in the other? When will you know that you can discuss the matter without fearing that the other person will become defensive and the situation will escalate into a dispute?”

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