If you are a garden lover and accounts with a lemon tree among your vegetables, getting this one of its fruits, you have triumphed. There is no Nothing more rewarding than getting your own lemons at homea very appreciated fruit in the Mediterranean diet and that serves to accompany, season or perform many kitchen dishes.
However, it is also true that it can be very frustrating to have one of these trees and that they do not give a single fruit, something that can be solved following a series of tips and recommendations, as well as paying attention to the basic care of the lemon, that pass from Space and location, lighting, irrigation and pruning.
What is the best place to plant a lemon?
The first thing to know is that there are different types of limits. You can opt for the common lemon, known as real lemon, but there are also dwarf limits, which are usually marketed in pots. Anyway, Basic care are common to all of them and it is convenient to know them well if you want to get fruits.
Keep in mind that the lemon is a tree, not a small plant or a bush. Therefore, U is requiredn optimal space to growdevelop your roots and pay off correctly. The more space it is left to its growth, the better. However, it is possible to get fruits in a pot of normal dimensions, depending on the variety.
In areas with very hot and dry summers, irrigation will be more critical to avoid the water stress of the plant. On the other hand, the location of the lemon is very important, especially in relation to the climate. For example, in coastal areas From Spain, the lemon will develop vigorly due to the warm and soft climate, as indicated by experts from VERDECORA. On the other hand, in the Interior and colder areasit will be necessary to protect it during the winter months to avoid frost damage. In areas with very hot and dry summers, Irrigation will be more critical to avoid the water stress of the plant.
On the other hand, also in terms of location, we must try to plant the limits in outdoor areaswhere they can get A large amount of sunlight per day. In fact, they do not support the cold or frost, so it will have to be put in a place protected from the wind but in an open space to maximize sun exposure, since they need Direct sunlight.
How to water a lemon?
The floor on which the lemon is considered must be permeable, with some acidity. This influences irrigation, which must be regular, maintaining this substrate slightly moist constantly. However, if the tree is in a pot, be careful with the flooding, since the excess water can damage its roots and, therefore, stop the growth of the lemon.
In case it is planted directly, without a pot, you will also have to have the type of soil, as well as with the Rain frequency in your area.
Fertilizer, transplant and pruning
Among the last care, the lemonner will need a fertilizer Suitable for citrus, applied according to the specific recommendations of the product, such as Verdecora. In addition, when cultivated in a pot, it will be necessary to make a transplant To a larger pot when the roots fill the available space. Farm, the pruning Training and maintenance is essential to favor aeration and light penetration.
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