How “Stop Advertising” works, the new list not to receive spam in calls, messages and social profiles

Unwanted advertising is one of the greatest discomfort facing users in the digital age. With the increase in commercial calls, unre requested text messages and intrusive ads in social networks, citizens are increasingly invaded by commercial offers. To deal with this problem, the Spanish Agency for Data Protection (AEPD) has incorporated a tool on its website: the “Stop Advertising” list. This service, completely free, allows users to manage advertising they receive, thus avoiding spam in multiple channels such as telephone, email and social platforms.

This list is complemented by the well -known Robinson list, and seeks to strengthen the protection of citizens against unwanted business campaigns. By allowing the registration of users who want to block advertising on several platforms, “Stop Advertising” is presented as an integral solution to one of the most common problems today: intrusive marketing.

What is the “Stop Advertising” list?

The main function of the “Stop Advertising” list is to allow users to register to avoid receipt of unplayed advertising. This includes commercial calls, text messages and ads through social networks. Registration is simple and free, and when adding to the list, users can manage what type of advertising they want to receive, establishing clear limits on the information that is shared with companies.

In a context in which digital channels have become the main route for advertising communication, this list offers users a more effective control over their personal data and their preferences in marketing. In this way, users can reduce the amount of intrusive advertising that reaches their phones and mobile devices.

How can it be used?

The registration process in the list “Stop Advertising“It’s free. Interested users must access the web portal of the platform, where they can complete a form with their personal data. Once registered, commercial companies must consult the list before sending any type of communication, guaranteeing that they do not contact those who have requested not to receive advertising.

This registration not only blocks commercial calls and text messages, but also limits invasive ads on social platforms. Thus, “Stop Advertising” adapts to current digital communication trends, covering a broader spectrum of channels.

A complementary initiative to the Robinson list

The “Stop Advertising” list, endorsed by the AEPD, aims to give a more effective response to citizens’ complaints about unwanted advertising. This new service joins the Robinson list, which is better known for blocking commercial campaigns that arrive through postal mail. Through this collaboration, both lists offer more complete protection against intrusive advertising, expanding the scope to include other media, such as mobile phone and social networks.

The Robinson listwhich arose in 1993, has been effective in the management of physical advertising and, over time, has adapted its operation to other channels such as the telephone. However, the “Stop Advertising” goes further, allowing users to protect against the advertising messages that are sent through digital and mobile platforms, where most of the intrusive advertising is currently located.

Differences with the Robinson list

The main difference lies in the types of communication they cover. While Robinson remains focused on the exclusion of advertising and commercial calls, the “Stop Advertising” focuses on social networks and messaging applications and allows us to revoke consent or oppose the processing of personal data on social networks.

In terms of operation, both lists operate under the same principle: the user’s consent. That is, companies must ensure both lists before performing any advertising action. However, the list offers a more adapted response to the current needs of users, by focusing on digital advertising, which has replaced more traditional methods.

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