New research indicates the average weekly cost of summer camps
While the days are beautiful again, families with small children start to do the math in their pockets on how they will be able to take care of them once school is over. In total, there will be 12 weeks to fill and, above all, those who lack a network of relatives, including grandparents, on whom they can rely encounter various difficulties. According to the most recent data from Adoc and Eures research, the cost of summer centres to bear will be high, especially in the large cities in the North, where the cost of living is, moreover, higher. On the opposite front, the South has the problem of few choices.
But let's dig deeper into the estimates since they allow us to have a rather accurate picture of the current situation in Italy.
Summer camps: the average weekly cost
The closure of schools involves a significant commitment on the part of parents, who are often forced to stay away from home for work. While in the past the majority of women dedicated themselves to housewife activities, and therefore had the opportunity to look after their young children, today society is very different. Partly for female emancipation, partly because family economies require it, both mothers and fathers need a job.

To remedy the situation, summer centers exist, whose activities have become increasingly vast and differentiated. In addition to fun and recreational moments, they include learning sessions, for example musical instruments or a foreign language. A greater expenditure of resources which translates into higher costs, sometimes exceeding 2,000 euros.

With a focus on five cities (Milan, Bologna, Rome, Naples and Bari), the report calculates a average weekly cost of 140.50 euros full time and 95.80 euros in the case of half a day. The most expensive? Milan, where the expense is respectively 207.70 and 163.10 euros.
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