We recently told you, in the voice of several experts, why Pilates is a suitable and beneficial sports disciplinetherefore recommended for men. On this occasion, we delve a little deeper into the practical part of this sport, which is divided into different types. Each of them has its particularities and objectives.
Dr. Juan Bosco Calvo and Pilates teacher Laura Cabral, at the head of Corpora Pilates, look back at the origin of the method, to lay the foundations for the evolution of this discipline. «There is only one Pilates, but over time it has evolved for different groups since Joseph Pilates used to work with healthy people and with a methodology from the 40s-50s and since the 80s everything regarding the way of exercising has been greatly modulated,” they point out.
From this starting point, pilates has branched out, so that it is divided, according to Noelia Duarte, technical director of Viding, into two main blocks: without machines, called mat pilates, and with machines.
The first of them, explains Duarte, technical director of Viding Castellana, is “more varied because it includes classic, therapeutic, dynamic and body-mind pilates, with accessories such as bands or balls.” And Pilates with machines, adds Noelia Duarte, includes specific methods such as the reformer, cadilac, chair and barrel. The machines “add resistance and customization, they are ideal for rehabilitation or advanced training.” In his opinion, “without machines there are more options due to their versatility, while with machines they adapt to specific objectives.”
Pilates on machines
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Niven Villalobos, general director of N7 Pilates Box, indicates that «Classic Pilates with apparatus (machines) or floor (without machines) is optimal to achieve better posture“, a compact body, proportionate muscles and a good neuromuscular response.”
In addition, one can speak, according to Noelia Duarte, of hybrid Pilates models such as aerial or aquatic. And Niven Villalobos adds and warns, at the same time, about mixed methodologies that take some bases from Pilates. For example, he cites the following examples: “Pilates fitness, reformer with platforms, Pilates circuits with cardio and other inventions that lack in-depth training in the method and, therefore, are prone to causing injuries that are having a lot of popularity in the United States, Mexico , United Kingdom and northern Europe.
For the Corpora Pilates team, most adaptations or types of Pilates, including those performed with weights or aquatic Pilates, “are small parts of the Pilates repertoire that are not complete.” For this reason, they propose a classification reduced to “classical Pilates (which Joseph Pilates did) and a contemporary or modern Pilates, which the second generation teachers adapted with the knowledge that has been obtained about physical exercise based on scientific evidence.” .
Brief review of each type of pilates
Although we have already exposed the different nuances of the opinions of the three voices consulted, as a mini-guide, so that you can recognize which Pilates they are talking about at a given moment, we share this brief summary of each type of Pilates or adaptation — For Niven Villalobos, there are many that are “functional workouts with Pilates equipment that focus on losing calories, developing superficial muscles and toning quickly—based on the bases of this discipline:
Pilates Mat (floor)
It is Pilates that is popularly known as Pilates without machines or floor Pilates. “We do it on a mat, using the weight of the body,” explains Noelia Duarte. “It is ideal for beginners and to improve basic strength and flexibility,” he adds.
Both Pilates with equipment and Pilates on the floor, in their classic conception, “seek a deep connection between mind and body so that apart from exercising the body, the brain does a great job of plasticity, which provides more intelligence in movement and many tools to manage the use of the body day to day,” explains Niven Villalobos, general director of N7 Pilates Box.

Pilates on the floor, points out the Corpora Pilates team, is more versatile because “it allows you to do it at home or in a group, but it involves a great effort as you have to work against the force of gravity due to one’s own weight».
For Dr. Juan Bosco and Dr. Cabral, the variety that machines allow cannot be compared to that of pilates mat. «There are about 34 exercises, with some variations. But with the machines the repertoire is expanded to more than 150 exercises and with its variations it can reach almost 400,” they say.
Pilates Machines
Within machine Pilates, Noelia Duarte differentiates between “the Reformer and other equipment such as Cadillac, chair or barrel.” All of them «They allow you to work with adjustable resistance and perform more specific and intense movements», points out the technical director of Viding.
Within this Pilates with machines, Niven Villalobos refers to the reformer as “a contemporary adaptation of the classic apparatus, where there are large support bases to do functional exercises with the support of bearings taken from classical architecture.”

Pilates with machines
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For the Corpora Pilates team, “the best thing about the machines is that they can be adapted to all types of people: from those most in need of movement (bedridden, neurological, elderly…) to elite athletes (dancers, sports professionals, ….)». In addition, they add, “the machines assist the exercises, they facilitate them, but they can also be very advanced and require great physical condition. “It all depends on the physical condition of the client and the pedagogical skill of the instructor to choose the most suitable ones.”
Therapeutic Pilates
Adapted for rehabilitation or people with special needs, focused on correcting postures and strengthening weakened muscles.
Niven Villalobos, general director of N7 Pilates Box, explains about therapeutic Pilates, which he cites as “clinical”, which It is often performed by physiotherapists in rehabilitation processes. «It is developed in a rehabilitation environment to achieve specific objectives of adaptation or improvement of injuries or chronic pathologies. It is not necessarily comprehensive,” he comments.
This is the type of Pilates that Corpora Pilates specializes in. In fact, they claim that it was Dr. Juan Bosco who introduced Pilates in Spain and that he is the one, together with Laura Cabral, who has developed this type of Pilates. “With successful protocols in a large number of pathologies, they have published publishing successes such as the book of the same title, which has already sold 8,000 copies of the 1st edition, and presented scientific studies at numerous international conferences,” highlights the center.
Dynamic or sports Pilates
This is a “more intense Pilates, it includes elements of strength, cardio and accessories such as dumbbells or medicine balls, ideal for those looking for a demanding workout,” explains Noelia Duarte.
aerial pilates
“Use hammocks to perform suspended movements, combining strength, balance and flexibility,” says the Viding specialist about this type of Pilates.
Aquatic Pilates
It is, as its name indicates, the type of Pilates adapted to be performed in water. According to Noelia Duarte, “it is ideal for people with reduced mobility or in rehabilitation.”
Types of Pilates: Are they very different?
In general, says Noelia Duarte, »the objectives of any type of pilates focus on breathing, posture, body control, coordination, core strength, body awareness, etc., and the intensity can be very variable depending on the students.
Niven Villalobos expresses himself in a similar direction: «practically the tensions are similar, they work with low, medium and high resistances through the use of springs. The difference is in understand how to apply loads to a body as a unit so that it is a successful and effective workout», he explains.

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There are some exceptions. The most obvious, therapeutic or clinical Pilates. This pilates, according to Noelia Duarte, like aquatic pilates, “usually has a lower intensity for those people who have an injury, pathology or a lower physical condition.”
And another exception are those adaptations that Niven Villalobos mentioned previously. «There is an important gap between pure (classical) Pilates and new trends. As I told you before, The devices have been used to create fashions that distort the original method», points out the general director of N7 Pilates Box.
Regarding sports or functional Pilates, which can be practiced in many centers, the technical director of Viding explains that “it seeks a medium-high intensity with the aim of generating muscle fatigue and raising the heart rate.” Therefore, according to Noelia Duarte, with this type of Pilates, which usually includes the use of weights or elastic bands, for example, “users will obtain benefits such as improving strength, muscle tone and, therefore, posture.” .
Is there any type of Pilates that is more recommended for men?
The definitive question that many men already convinced of introducing Pilates into their training routine ask is whether there is some type better than another simply because they are men.
The answer is no. «The factors depend on the individual, since We all have a unique and unrepeatable body that needs different things. Any of my clients can do any ‘version’ of Pilates with the technique they already have,” says Niven Villalobos, who stands in favor of qualified professionals: “expert and well-trained professionals are needed,” he emphasizes.
Noelia Duarte also believes that “the type of Pilates recommended does not depend on sex, but on the person’s objectives and experience; That is, factors such as what the student is looking for or needs, physical condition, desired intensity and also preferences.
And the Corpora Pilates team, although it does not recommend one type of Pilates or another depending on gender, does consider that, in general, “lMen enjoy more demanding exercises that make them feel tired“They like intermediate and advanced exercises.” However, they emphasize that, if they have not done Pilates before, “you have to start with the basic fundamentals, and to do this, you have to carefully select the loads, the repetitions, the sequencing of the exercises, etc.,” they conclude.
Likewise, it is not a major factor when choosing the type of pilates if other sports disciplines are practiced. «All types of Pilates are compatible with other sports, since they improve strength, flexibility, posture and prevent injuries. Furthermore, they adapt to the specific needs of each discipline and enhance physical and mental performance,” argues Noelia Duarte, technical director of Viding. “It is a complement that provides numerous advantages to both recreational and competitive sports,” concludes Niven Villalobos, general director of N7 Pilates Box. «Both mat and machine Pilates are compatible with other sports since the Pilates method is a means, not an end in itself,” adds Laura Cabral, from Corpora Pilates.
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