Although everyone has heard of the bone marrow, few could describe exactly what it is. It is a spongy tissue that is inside the long and flat bones, such as hip, sternum, ribs and skull. The highlight of the bone marrow is that it is formed by stem cells, which have the capacity to self -register. This allows them to produce more stem cells and divide to generate other types of blood cells, such as red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets, which play a fundamental role in the defense of the body against infections.
There are diseases that can only be cured by a bone marrow transplant. These are blood diseases derived from marrow stem cells, such as leukemia, lymphoma and multiple myeloma. It can also be indicated in autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis. The transplant consists in replacing the stem cells of the bone marrow ill with those of a healthy donor. Dr. Gonzalo Gutiérrez, hematologist of the Clinic Barcelona Hospitalhe explains that “the first objective is that the cells we have administered reproduce and grow. The second is the healing of the person.”
The first objective is that the cells we have administered reproduce and grow. The second is the healing of the person
When stem cells are obtained from the patient himself, it is known as autologous transplant. If the cells come from a Compatible donorit is an alogenic transplant. Generally, the father or mother is usually 100% compatible, although the brothers have only a 25% probability of being. If there is no compatible brother, a donor not related to the country or international donor records is sought. These records provide information on voluntary donors. Since, in many cases, this is the only cure option for some people, public awareness about the donation of stem cells is fundamental.
To be donor and determine compatibility with a patient, a study of human leukocyte antigens is carried out, which are proteins present in cells. To do this, it is enough to obtain a sample of blood or saliva from both the donor and the receiver, in order to identify which donor has the most compatible cells with those of the receiver. Any person between 18 and 55, who enjoy a good state of general health, can be a donor. In Spain, in addition to specific campaigns to find donors, anyone can register as a donor in the Spanish Registry of Bone Morder Donors.
There are different procedures for get the stem cells of the donor. The first is to extract them directly from the bone marrow by aspiration, performing several punctures in the back of the pelvis or hip. This procedure is carried out in the operating room, under anesthesia, so it does not cause pain. After the intervention, a day of income is required and, in some cases, blood transfusion may be necessary, which could be a self -transfusion. The only usual side effect is pain in the puncture area, which usually lasts between 24 and 48 hours.
Stem cells can also be obtained from a peripheral vein, since in normal conditions these cells circulate through the blood. To increase its concentration, a stimulating drug is administered and then extracted by a procedure called apheresis. During this process, the donor connects to a machine that extracts his blood, the centrifugal to obtain the stem cells and then returns it to the body, similar to a dialysis procedure. This method does not usually entail risks and does not require hospital admission.
The cells are administered as who makes a blood transfusion
What is the process of transplant?
First, the sick bone marrow is eliminated by chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy, a process known as conditioning. The aggressiveness of the treatment depends on the patient’s disease and age. Once this step is done, the patient enters a specialized hospital unit, in an isolated room to avoid infections, since at that time it lacks defenses. Then, the venous catheter is placed in the neck or clavicle area. After this preparation, according to Dr. Gutiérrez, “the cells are administered as who makes a blood transfusion.”
This infusion is usually well tolerated. In some cases, the patient may experience chills, fever or nausea, especially if the cells have been frozen, but these effects do not usually cause complications. After the transplant, the patient remains isolated for 2 or 3 weeks to avoid infections, since at that time his immune system is compromised. During this period, transplanted cells begin to grow and produce white, red and platelets. This process can take between 2 and 3 weeks. Once the new cells have managed to restore blood functions, the patient receives discharge, although he continues with periodic medical follow -up. Thus, although it is a process it may seem complex, it is totally safe for both the patient and the donor.
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