How do you cook a hard egg? It may seem one of the simplest preparations in the kitchen; However, it is not so. At least not if perfection is expected: a clear soft and firm on the outside and a velvety yolk inside. The two components are cooked at different temperatures, so a flour yolk is often obtained or a clear jelly. How do perfect cooking be achieved then? A group of Italian engineers and chemicals explain it to us in a surprising way. Here, then, the perfect hard egg recipe.
What temperature is an egg?
Those who thought that to cook a hard egg was enough to boil water with submerged eggs and let them cook for about 10 minutes, they will have to check their convictions. 100 ° C, in fact, is not the right temperature to achieve the ideal result. What happens is the following: The perfect yolk is cooked at 65 ° C, while the Clara is cooked at 85 ° C. The boiling temperature, therefore, results in a dry and flour yolk, while if we used cooking in the water bath (between 60 ° C and 70 ° C) as an alternative method, we would end up with a clear clear. So…
How to cook a hard egg: the scientific recipe
To solve this culinary enigma, a team of researchers from the Federico II University of Naples has resorted to mathematics. Combining an equation that describes how heat travels from a hot surface to the egg with another that describes the transition of state (that is, how the egg is transformed from liquid to solid through the intermediate gelatinous phase), simulated the cooking process with a software of computational fluid dynamics and thus obtained the perfect hard egg recipe.
The researchers called this new “periodic cooking” method, because it consists of transferring the egg of a pot of boiling water (at 100 ° C) to another pot of water at 30 ° C every two minutes, for 32 minutes. Perhaps it sounds like a slightly long and cumbersome procedure, but, as scientists say, it also works in practice: real -life tests have confirmed that with periodic cooking a soft and unteable yolk is obtained (halfway between which results in the water bath and the one that results from a soft boiling) because it is maintained at a constant temperature of 67 ° C. The albumin, meanwhile, ranges between 35 ° C and 100 ° C and the fair is reaffirmed.
The researchers also carried out chemical analysis to verify whether periodic cooking somehow modified the nutritional values of the egg. Well, it turned out that the cooked yolk in this way also contains more polyphenols (molecules with antioxidant and anti -inflammatory capacity) than that obtained by other cooking methods.
He study in question It was published in the magazine Communications Engineering.
Article originally published in Wired Italy. Adapted by Andrea Baranenko.
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